KaW is a very weird land, with weirder people and strange magic. A new technology was invented not even a week ago and people are already calling it the best thing to happen to war since the forging of the sword. I don’t know anything about that, but, I know now, that with the use of magic, men are now able to send messages to one another over long distances with the use of "cell towers". And with every invention, some people have a way of finding the little bugs and exploit them to the fullest for profit. The man who did it to this one, is named Larry and the one thing that set him apart, is that he did it for fun. Larry scoffed at this new toy. Not for what it is, but, for how easy it is to manipulate. He set up an interception tower in the central land of Kaw and changed every message before it reached its destination with hilarious messages. When war broke out between ZAFT and Apocalypse, Larry was elated. For whenever he received a message requesting aid, he would only send back. "We can offer you No Support at this time."
A noob made an account because he desperately needed attention which was not provide to him as a child. He once attempted to war and broke his sword, giving up on war altogether. Being unable to talk in game because of misdeeds he post-farms the forums. A sad creature indeed.
So profound. Do you have anything better to do than follow me around? Don't you have a life? No? That sucks.