The Forgotten Ones Spy Attacks?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SadisticSnowman, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. This has been nagging at me for awhile. After the item phase in The Forgotten Ones, is it best to assassinate, hitting two targets, scout, getting in a lot of actions, or steal, gaining direct plunder? Which gets the most total gold?
  2. Steals pay slightly better, but assassinations offer very similar pay
  3. Stealing takes more spies, I think, though. Did you factor that in?
  4. If you have more spy buildings than attack buildings, steals pay better. Assassinations pay better for attack builds, but pay well overall for both. And scouts pay worse but you get more actions in and are closer to that darn achievement!

    Scouts use 1/4 of one 5 min regen, assassinations use 1/3 of one 5 min regen. And steals use ~ 1/3 of two 5 min regen. About 6% of overall spies for steals, 2% scouts, 2.75% assassinations.
  5. i usally att n sct then once att gone ass
  6. Scouting pays more.
  7. I always assa because it affects two bars.