The FOD trick.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FlyingFi8h, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Ok.Step 1- rush to god mode phase and kill items ASAP.
    Step 2-woops,the life is now 100%.So do the EB again.
    Step 3- you just did 2 EBs at once.
    Regular FOD-1-2B
    Tricked FOD-0gold(extremely difficult to pull off)
    To all critics-you may say that you can do the FOD again for the same rewards.Dude,have you heard of a 15 minute cooldown timer?
  2. Dood stahp
  3. What exactly does a person get from doing it twice?
  4. who ever made that animation clearly doesn't understand basic english enough to spell care. :p
  5. There's a thing called the Internet. :roll:
  6. I've heard about Fishes eating mushrooms. Now I have seen what happens when they do.
  7. I think this calls for some Taco RP.

  8. Oh yeah, how does that make you feel?

    It's only a soft taco right now, but I'm sure you would enjoy a nice crunchy hard taco wouldn't you?
  9. 
  10. Oh my Taco. I want to nibble on that lettuce.
  11. It's super crisp... And just a little wet

  12. How do you feel about a little group action?

    Sharing is caring
  13. Stop teasing me.
  14. Yes. You do not want to tease the Wizard of the Taco.
  15. Exactly what I was thinking...