the farm is coming...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Jul 3, 2012.

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  1. A friend suggested I make a thread so she could follow the story so far. So here it is for anyone interested.

    This poor noob made a thread asking why he has to make an apology thread to clowns reborn academy.
    I posted with my main a slight insult on the thread and was farmed by a guy we'll call spud.

    I was also called out on the thread for a 1 v 1 with onegun the spy.

    So Im farming spud and he's farming me and everyone is having a nice time until this noob dragon somebody or other posted on spuds wall


    So i started farming him.
    I also came across onegun and he had one small ally which I purchased and I burned 5-6 x-tals on him as well.

    They all wigged out after that and 3 of the clown reborn families started farming me. Chaos Academy , onslaught and reborn.

    Everyone was having a nice time until I hit a bump. I had used 24 x-tals. Pooh! Now as of writing this I have to wait another 11 hours before I can fight again, so I am stuck. But the farm is coming...the farm is always coming...

    Feel free to troll, comment or let it die
  2. Op i didn't read this but imma attack u cuz i can
  3. Damn dtw suxs
  4. Alison wont quit so its a draw!

    Go Alison :lol:
  5. Damn good luck lol, you may need it... you may not.

    Happy Kawing

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    BROARMY .........
  6. Do younot realise that you messed with the wrong SYSTEM OF CLANS?
  7. You clearly dont know Alison
  8. I'm betting Alison wins. Good luck to whoever is on her receiving end :lol:
  9. You shouldn't need to use a well-known clan for protection. If you are going to farm, just do it. If they like your rep, the clans will find you themselves.
  10. I think it's pretty clear who the bigger man is here. Alison isn't the one who ran to her friends for help. Just sayin... :?
  11. Yawn, people in our family often jump in any fight without being asked, either out of fun or loyalty, in fact I offered spud help
  12. *10 secs later*

    iG farms Imitation-Cheese :lol:

  13. Post cut off  spud turned me down , I guess others in our family didn't ask and just hit for fun , get over yourself lol
  14. I'm shakin' in my boots! :lol:
  15. It's nice that mental hospitals allow wifi in padded cells so people can entertain us in Kaw  keep talking to that friend / voice in ur head it's the only one who cares
  16. Support for Alison - enjoy the fun of the game
  17. And here we go...
  18. IDGAF who you are or what clan you're in - you either man up and stand up for yourself, or you let your friends come to the rescue.

    You people in your fancy clans need to get over yourselves. Shut up and farm or GTFO. Quit name dropping and thumping your chests.

    Helping your friends out in a 1v1 only shows a clan's weakness. When I owned OoS, every man and woman stood for him/herself. If they chose to escalate, then I'd bring in the rest of the clan. How about you guys show some goddamn class?
  19. ^Exactly Cheese.

    People in KaW need to learn to fight by themselves, no one cares about their HLBC friend. Grow up and fight your own battles.

    This is a generalized comment, no one needs to take offence.
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