The Famous Derp Build!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *NecroHyphen (01), Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Hi, I'm here to explain the Derp build!
    This is an example of a Derp.


    Step 1. Destroy all your buildings, except for one, Then sell all pots and drop all allies for maximum effect of the Derp build!

    Step 2. Post "Open" on WC, This will make you popular and your news will fill up with friends! You won't get attacked now because of your friends!

    Step 3. You will now receive 100 Billion gold coins to do with what you want!

    Results may vary, none of this information may be true, you just have to trust me, your welcome!

    This is my first guide and I'm hoping all these BB codes work! Good night people!
  2. Lmfao that picture is hilarious
  3. You don't randomly get 100 billion. Please stop spamming!
    think how is this thread going to help out other people? Think will I get haters now and farmed?
  4. Just one comment it's Edward. He sparkels like a princesses tiara
  5. You think this is a real guide?
  6. Seems like an attempt to mimic the popularity of the antiguide.
  7. This isn't funny -.- only distance and shadow assassin can do this stuff
  8. Can't blame a guy for trying
  9. Their is actually small print that you can't see, it explains the faults of the build and such, it's size 1 so nobody can see it
  10. Oops double post๎’๎’๎’
  11. If you don't like it, don't bump the thread back up
  12. I'm talking to the op lmfao!

  13. I know my rights! ๎„…

    I don't really...