I am A mage, My name is elissa cousland. I have no memories of my life with my family. Name: Age: Looks: Bs: Weapons: Race:
Name: Shard Race: Mech-shifter Weapons: He can make anything out of metal Looks: Twilight color armor, data-uplink eyepiece over his left eye. Story: All he remembers anymore is being thrown in a massive vat of nanobots, all his is anymore is a massive cluster of nanobots with super-intelligence.
Name: Skye Age: 18 Looks: Silvery hair, blue and red armor. He wears a full suit of armor. Backstory: Has no memory of his past life. Woke up in a field and all he remembered what to do was fight. Adventured to find out about his past life. Weapon: Mythril Armor, carries a shield and Ragnarok, the holy blade. Race: Human
TOO MANY STORIES AT ONCE. You can't just write three at a time and expect them to be good. It's impossible. Please, postpone this and focus on that other one that you've obviously rushed through.