The Ethics of in Battle Name Changing

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Apr 16, 2013.

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  1. Here is an issue, that I feel, does need some attention. Maybe I'm just wrong to assume that there are some basic rules to combat. I guess some clans can just admit they're that bad to have to stoop to a new low of changing names to some form of the illustrious barcode in order to actually win a battle. My thought is: be a man (or woman), get a decent strategy, and go at war full-throttle - may the best win. Perhaps it is that I'm wrong in this thought - what do you think? Is it wrong to have people changing names 2 min before war and perhaps a few times during war? OR is the old saying "all's fair in love and war" hold true here? Please give answer and reasoning - thx in advance ;)
  2. Ehhh... I think name changing is fine if you have good trackers. And devs make lots of money...
  3. If it fits within the Devs EE mechanics and algorithms its fair. Devs make the rules not you. Don't like it ? Don't Play !
  4. Changing names mid war is a decent strategy. Anything to win is the ideal behind a fair few clans. Look at worm ideology. Same name, kicks, changes, barcodes, everything they need to win, they use. It's just smart playing.
  5. I would argue we have some of the best trackers - many that have warred tons of places have agreed! But we haven't stooped to the "new low" of combining strategy with name changes IN-BATTLE. Barcodes beforehand that don't change is one thing - changing name 2 min before AND in-battle is another.
  6. When you go into a war I think that having a barcode name is acceptable, as even though it makes it harder for the other team to call inc it is not impossible. However once you are in a war changing your name can be very difficult for the other team to cope with. In my opinion it should not be possible as it can put the team with more skill but less nobility points at the disadvantage.
  7. I guess my thought is this - it's kinda cheap! perhaps a way to say "we stink and we'll admit it" - but then is it "unfair" or am I stuck in the dark ages?

  8. Or if it is possible - should it then come out of your "20 nobs or 2 xstals" per war?
  9. I don't think it is "unfair" to have a group of barcodes before the war starts. Athough it does seem a little cowardly.

    What does bother me, is changing you names to almost exact, right before war/during war.

    I'm not stating that the devs need to change namechanging, because as adam said "All os fair in love and war". But what i am saying, is that if your going to war, then why not wear your name proudly?

    It's almost as if these clans are embarresed to show their true identity. Oh well, i guess cowards will be cowards.. That's all their is to it.
  10. Ill explain another way. You are basically asking devs to change something in their game which would be time consuming and probably be fairly difficult, and this something will actually LOSE them money. And this is for something that effects a vast minority of players, as most do no care/respect the idea/are un-affected by it.
  11. In my opinion if you are not willing to or unable to spend money on the game you will not win a war.
  12. I personally think its cheap. But hey a lot of people is willin to do wateva it takes to win.does this make em a good war clan? Hell naw. Is it a good strategy? i guess, since its workin. Might as well call The MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO tactic.
  13. Well what if we lived in medevial times and we as a kingdom just got everybody to call themselves Joe. Well it is easier for those back home because what if Joe dies then all of them would think it wasnt their husband/boyfriend that died because the general made them change their names only for war. On the battlefield a general says Joe go kill that guy, now we have 30 joes on one guy so it is more efficient.

    This is why people like the good friends of mine the WORM or my other good friends the BARCODES do this.

    Also last point, what if the opposing kingdom/kingdoms hire a assassin to kill Joe well it would lower the chance of killing the right Joe.

    And at the end of the war, when the king allows the heroes to sleep with his daughters and maids then when the King awards Joe, Everyone is a winner. *wink wink*

    And thats why I think people have the same name as each other for WAR.....

    /End Sarcasm

    You know what OP take the number of the WORM inside the clan and hit that number, thats what trackers are for. If you are so worried here is my response either suck it up or stop doing EE wars. Ever hear the quote "All is fair in Love and WAR"
  14. Rules are negotiable: So I don't buy since its this way, that's the way it should be. The question is, does name changing in any way enhance the feeling of a war simulation. The answer is obviously no, it is simply a way to obfuscate who is up. Pay more money to the company, get an additional edge in the war. If the company needs more income they should find a way to charge that doesn't hurt the dynamics of the game.

  15. Correct, I realize this cuts into the devs profits - and therefore will get little-to-no-notice. I don't expect nor want them to "run this game for free" that is not the point of my thoughts. I just think it is a new low to change to some barcode variation "in-war" then re-change after...but I guess the "fight fire w fire" might hold true here as well...we'll see ;)
  16. It is part of the game. Learn to adapt or download a different app.
  17. It's smart. It confuses the opponent.

    Figure out a way to beat it. That would be more satisfying than crying "No fair!"

  18. Thank you for your thoughts - and yes, I have heard that quote (why it's in my opening statement).
  19. Adapting to any thing in this game requires you to spend even more money 
  20. @Dundee- we fought a clan that easily dropped $50 in name changes 2mins prior to war, it didn't help them. "Smart playing" isn't a term I'd use for that.

    Barcodes and name changes mid-war simply advertises the fact that they have no other strategy.
    It comes down to know your enemy... Some fight through deception others fight straight forward. Knowing your enemy will try to use these tactics, simply anticipate the change and you are not taken by surprise.
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