It's cold. Fresh snow on the ground, a chilly squall makes my bones shudder. The trees rustle, whispering secrets of the night as if they're scared to be heard. There is a lake, smoothe, clear. It reflects the stars as tho filled with diamonds. Off in the distnce I hear a twig snap, the soft pitta patter of paws. A wolf. Old and worn. Ravaged snout and a limp. Clearly a survivor. Stalking, silently closing the gap of it's preys life. 3 feet away and lunges, lightning quick, Silent as an owl swooping, breaking the rabbits neck. Definately a survivor. Let me tell you where I am, what I'm doing and how it all came to be. This is my story of love, loss and rebirth. I am not human. I am The Eternal. If u want more wall me and I'll see what I can do. Peace