The End Of BlackHand

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_CrAcKeRsSlAyEr_ilI, Jun 7, 2015.

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  1. Two weeks ago, BlackHand decided to strip one of our members, opted into the pvp event who was playing as a Ps and Fell asleep. They took his gold and opened him up to their clan, and guest We consider this a Declaration of war.

    BlackHand uses Events like to take advantage of others, and uses them as a Farm Festival to farm other players, and bully them. We tried diplomacy with them but they laughed and ignored to pay back the gold our Ps lost, Saying " He should of not been a Ps" "Or he should have casted oath". They take advantage of players that are Ps, bullying them because of a build choice.

    This is our official Declaration of War, We will have many allied clans in our new alliance to help us destroy you. We told you guy you messed up, now you will have to deal with the consequences. We will never surrender, and you will be obliterated. Soon will be The End Of BlackHand.

  2. This will be interesting
  3. Statless alt. I agree with black hand. Pure spies know the risks, and if they dont do anything to prevent it, then thats there own fault.
  4. Op is statless alt…what clan is fight Black Hand?
  5. Who's speaking
  6. PS with allies is just asking to be stripped in an event... seriously it happens too often yet people repeatedly expect people to not strip them.
  7. I'd have stripped the ps too lol
  8. support, how dare they to strip a build which cannot be attacked!!
  9. she stripped me last night!! she tore apart my fav underwear ;-;
  10. Hahahaha plunder wars are fun..

    Welcome to the PLUNDERDOME 
  11. LOL

  12. [​IMG]
  13. End of BlackHand.......

    Wonder what XtremeKillerTheDeadly has to say about this?

    Trained by iG and ZAFT, I doubt BH will surrender either.

    Let's watch and see.
  14. Haha declaration of war for a stripping of a Ps haha so many Ps have been stripped during events.
  15. Guess lesson learned. Happens to us all. The only floor in ps is the trap u fell into. Bombs help.
  16. I'd strip any ps I could afford to strip during these events. That's what you get for dropping your troop building and banking gold so you are dtw to anyone hitting you.

    If you want to be a panzy & close yourself to protect your sheaves and scythe, expect to be ripped open and ravaged.
  17. So basically your crying to your alliance because you can't handle BH on your own?
  18. This isn't the first PVP event you should know that being a ps with allies makes you automatic strip target.
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