THE ELEMENTS CHAPTER 1 the beginning It was a cold november in Georgia two teenagers were on top of a roof one of them was a girl with long blond hair and light blue eyes wearing a white polo top with white pants her name was Sarah next to her was a boy with short black hair and deep blue eyes wearing a black polo shirt with black pants he went by the name of J.J Sarah began to tap a little tune with her fingers J.J stared at her and then said "you know we have to be quite in Order to catch him off guard" "I know I'm just bored because we've been siting here for an hour now"replied Sarah "you know he's right I can hear your taping from Spain "a strange teenager suddenly appeared Sarah jumped and J.J rushed at him "wo wo wo let's not skip to the fight just yet I want to talk " "save your breath mark we are not interested in anything other than taking you in for your crimes " shouted J.J Sarah hit the roof with her hand and a wall surrounded all of them then J.J hit mark straight in the gut mark went flying straight in to the newly erected walls which instantly turned into a cage "Well that was easy we wasted an hour waiting for him just to beat him in a second" said Sarah J.J started to laugh "you really think that was a real fight " he said while stil laughing "it wasn't ?" asked Sarah "no no it was a test" said mark "a test to see how well you could control your powers and your feelings" added J.J "oh so you didn't tell me to see how I would do in a real situation" said Sarah "bingo" replied J.J "oh and your trick reminds me of the day I told you that you that you were a controller ah I remember it like it was yesterday " "it was yesterday" said Sarah "oh well happy one day anniversary" said J.J the scene changed as J.J remembered yesterday it was a tuesday in vertias a classical christian school everyone was in the student center which doubled as a cafeteria there was a loud babble as everyone was talking when a mob of men bursted in to the room caring flamethrowers
They is a magic thing called a...FULLSTOP. It looks like this; . Use it more :roll: :lol: