The Eccentric's Diary

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Rex-Strom, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. August 24, 2014

    Hello there my name is Alistair Woods, and before you read any further, know that this is not a diary, or a journal or anything of the sort. This is a collection of my so called “ learning's” throughout my life. If this were to become a book the tile will be The life of a Wood; or The life of an amazing learner something of the sort. Not A Dairy of Woods that’s just sappy and sad.

    So today we’re moving from our old house, the house I've lived in for half my life and absolutely hated. Our neighbors were and still are annoying; the school system is OK, the kids not so much. I know what you’re thinking, and it’s wrong. Absolutely, positively, wrong, I’m not another dumb teenager. I’m a smart one first off all and secondly, I’m a lonely one.

    Now I really know what you’re thinking, but that’s wrong too. I've always been excluded from school activities because of I’m considered a “genius”. My parents are just so ignorant about it, so I’m always alone. Anyways we’re moving and I can’t wait to try and make new friends. I’ll see how that works out. Well I have to go and help pack, the faster I pack the faster we can leave this, place called a town.

    August 25, 2014

    “Are you guys ready to go?” My dad asked in an urgent voice as he entered the car with his favorite bottle of soda. I just looked at him and smirked.

    As my mom exited the house and entered the car, she looked at the house, and said “take a good look at that house Alistair, because this will be the last time you’ll see it” in a tone that make me feel as if she’ll miss it, then she smiled. She ruined the whole “sadness of leaving an old home” thing. Yes, there is such a thing as what I mentioned so there no need to Google it or anything like that, because I’m always right!

    Right, that should be my middle name, I can be Alistair Right Woods, has a ring to it, but I’m okay with my current name. So anyways I’m on a 20 hour car ride with my parents, what a pain. No music, just my mom’s amazing, and by amazing I mean horrid singing.