Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *genghiskhangreat (01), Jun 18, 2013.

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  1. Why dont kaw assemble a team and farm chongo hombre so badly that he is brought down
  2. This is why clans put a no forum rule.
  3. No support. Lol nice try OP.
  4. This is why some people should not be aloud to reproduce.
  5. Hes inactive
    Why are u mean op?
  6. nobody has the balls
  7. Cause that "team" would have to be made from the top half of the lb!!! The rest o us can't hit him!! Learn the mechanics
  8. What are you gonna do get cella next?
    This is a bad thread
  9. You should stand so close to the microwave when your mommy is cooking dinner Op
  10. 
  11. locking for spam
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