The Doctor is In!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snoopy, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Hello! It's your lovely KaW psychologist and totally (not) close to BC, Dr. Snoopy, here offering my dearest help to the members of the KaWmunity

    I have helped countless people in the KaWmunity, here are just a few of the questions received that I have hoped!

    "Snoopy!.. I have this urge to apply for an internship at the White House if Hilary gets elected as prez! What wou do snoopy do?" Sent in by AshesOfEden

    Snoopy's Answer: Hi Ashes, I would totally apply for it, especially if Hilary or Bernie get voted in! I heard they have some really excellent creme filled bon bons on Fridays. As the kids say, Just do it, Man!

    "Dr. Snoopy, I need your help. ? I keep getting these flashbacks to S2 Rancor Wars. I get all antsy and can't sleep and I keep hearing "MITH UP" and "SKO YOU IDIOT!" What can I do to prevent this?!" Sent in by Kezarah

    Snoopy's Answer: Hmm, well this is indeed intriguing! I have joined with my fellow consultants and we have developed a plan we think will help you! Step 1: Buy a seal Step 2: Keep the seal. This will cause you to start hearing things like "USE THE SEAL!" Instead of "MITH UP" :)

    "Dr. Snoopy, is it okay to KaW while PIMD?" Sent in by iPikachuAllDay(fake name as requested).

    Snoopy's Answer: Totes! It's easier for you to be stripped... I mean make life long Internet friends by doing that.. :geek:

    So.. KaWers... Ask your questions because...


    Picture Copyrighted to AshesOfEden and Dr. Snoopy
  2. Dr. Snoopy - What advice can you give me to help stop farming?
  3. Hire servants/workers to farm for you!
  4. Dr snoop, can ashes post a gif that won't get him banned??? What magnetic pull drives ashes to post photos that are considered to risky???
  5. You see, as in his name, AshesOfEden, he is but the Ashes of a grand sinless paradise, so as the ashes of this place, it cause him to post picture of beautiful, spherical things that everyone form babies to grandpas love.

    NonScientific Version: IDEK BRUH HE IS A UNIHORN
  6. Thanks nephew, keep it on the rizzle
  7. Do psychological issue(s)/problem(s) have to be KaW related to be qualified for this?

  8. No!! I help all kinds of questions!
  9. Thanks i just wanted to clarify that.
  10. Dr Snoopy, I'm having performance issues, how do I increase my performance?
  11. I get this urge to drop build and unicorn robot Rp all day... Guess I'm a sissy because I can't do it...

    Can you help me?

    *pew pew pew*
  12. I suggest viagra! It is now Doctor approved so go try that, if that fails, try Male Exxtra. Does wonders!
  13. Why do i have a dream about being the love child of Gordon Ramsey, Marine Le Pen and Roni?
  14. This hard, have you ever tried chihuahua/unicorn RP? It will make you drop things real fast!

    It's a good dream, many people want to be the children of them. In fact, I once tried to get adopted by George Clooney! It's a natural life reaction!
  15. Ok doc, let's say hypothetically that I have this friend who is addicted to an online morph game.......and let's say he spends more time playing that Game than socializing with real people. What can I do to better socialize? I mean what can he do to better socialize?


  16. Remember when phones never worked?
  17. I would say you should.. I mean your friend should use FaceTime, that way you can slightly socialize while still being able to play this... online morph game. Sounds like an adult website game to me, but yes so that.
  18. Dear Dr. Snoopy,

    If my hypothetical girlfriend calls me right before the Item stage on a FFA HTE, do I answer the call or do I nom nom on items?..

    PS. It is usually my mom that calls me and that's a no brainer decision.. But I'm giving you a tough one in case I have a GF in the future..
  19. Thank you doctor snoopy...I feel so much better now that I have a solution to my problem....I mean my friend told me he felt better. He was doing a happy dance last I saw.