The Different builds and ther Ups and downs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I_I-The-Flame-Of-Eternity-l_l, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Balance build:having The same stats in Attack
  2. OMFG!Wtf it cut off the whole thing!
  3. Flame did you use the "and"
  4. Very descriptive, I think the KaW community will benif- oh wait, where is everything? 
  5. Fail.... 
  6. I think my build is pretty beast
  7. Can't use the plus sign or ampersand on an iDevice.
  8. LULZ if it was a lot and you didn't copy it just incase.
  9. You cant use or
  10. I was hoping for something that can help a noob :(