The Destroyer (Useful Info)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Vampirehuntress, Dec 26, 2011.


    Phase 1 of 4

    Life force (red bar)

    Summon Golems (blue bar) 20,000 - attack and assa to zero then attack and assa life force to 80% then

    Phase 2

    Stoic calm - 10000 item elixir of rage to 0

    Life force att and assa to 60%

    Phase 3

    intense heat 20000 - item elven shield
    iron titans 25000 - att and assa to zero then use item elven shield

    Life force att and assa to 40%

    Phase 4

    summoned golems 20000 att and assa
    Iron Titans 25000 att and assa
    Smoldering Form 40000 - combination of elven shield and elixir of rage item - this bar regens, has to be zero to hit the lifeforce bar. Regens 800 every 5 mins

    Life Force att and assa to 0

    Your clan has won the epic battle.

    personal opinion - plunder sucked :( , the end bonus does not reflect the pot usage required. The only redeeming grace is it drops two perm items which seem to have no rhyme or reason for which player gets it and it also drops locust swarms and mind screams.

    Plunder wise NML is still the king of this epic story. :lol: :lol:
  2. Yes they named an eb after me!
  3. Lol Luke is that why it sucked?
  4. It sucked because I'm to good to give out more plunder than deserved.
  5. What permanent items do you get?
  6. Trololololol