Hey! Waramen here with first post ! Exciting right? Yea i know! Ok so here were talking about defense for all of you people out there that just wanna relax knowing if your getting attacked they will fail! So my advice for this is getting 15 land (right under t3) and buy 10 war cathedrals and 5 towers! Next on the list is getting a 20m-100m ally and join a good clan that does epic battles! The war cathedral gives a 32,000 plunder bonus for epic battles and attacking people! Now let's go back to those towers you have planted, those give 0 plunder but as you may have seen have great defense! Now once you get about 200m start upgrading those war cathedrals as much as you can! Thus making more plunder and more defense! Any questions wall me don't comment I won't check this lol but wall me for wht you wanna read next! Good bye ! Waramen out ! _../'―||||||||―――― ] ==o_____________| ~(> ),―.(_(__)/ //(\)),――' //___//
At that low of a place in the game, nobody will really be hitting you which causes no need for towers. I highly don't suggestion using towers for the fact that nobody will hit you and that it gives 0 plunder.
Awhh my ally has taken his first step into forums You should have said you wanted to post a thread. I would have helped you draft it and check your figures. Just so you know: This thread will receive a lot of negative comments as your info isn't accurate, you're lacking a few things PLUS your new here To survive here, try to ignore these negative comments, arguing back only gives entertainment to the others. Do some lurking first and post casually on other peoples threads, you'll fit in fine as long as you can pull through the initial harassment Good luck my ally!
Although much of this info is inaccurate nice try good to see people willing to have a go. As people have posted above towers are only useful if you are a constant target for people or you are in a war. At T2 i would suggest asking people to volley you. This should earn you enough gold for the land to unlock T2 and place 1 balanced building and the rest attack. Upgrade these to lvl 3 and get a good ally so you have max plunder. This way you can hit better ebs and get more gold, thus allowing you to grow quicker into T3 buildings
No towers are useful at the t2 level, as you should be looking for growth as rapidly as possible. Def pots provide a more than adequate static defense and are a far wiser investment. If you are being farmed, it's a great time to learn how to farm back with your friends.
You didn't fail you just didn't know any better. I learned this lesson myself when I first started playing. There's a wealth of knowledge to be found in the forums and try to consult veteran players for info too. A lot are willing to share and some will just blow you off. But in the end it's your build and you can do whatever you want, just try to be well informed of your choices.
Easy mistake to make, really. I did the same when I was a newb. But hey, everyone learns. Concentrate on growth at this point- Defensive towers serve little purpose at T2 level, and most forgo them completely, in any case, prefering SpyDef Towers in the late stages to ward from strip farms, since being pinned is no problem, an hours worth of wait and the damage is undone- or when the attackers give up at the latest. Making a guide is commendable, but its best to rack up a few month's worth of experience and knowledge first
All towers, def and spy, are now pointless. Even at t4 level. With the advent of the new pots available from CotD and FoD you would need a minimum of 10 towers to defend just from the two pots alone. I am loaded with both types of tower, which need to be changed now. Swabia has said before, towers are a waste of potential plunder. The ONLY form of defence since these pots is pin. But welcome to the forums. I'd hazard a guess that people are watching your back so you should do fine.