The Creation of Ainulindalë It was this harmony that created Arda, also known as Ainulindalë. Basically, Eru/Ilúvatar created the Ainur (AKA the Holy Ones). These beings were made from seperate parts of Eru/Ilúvatar's mind. Thus each "comprehended only that part of the mind from which he came." But as brethren they grew together and slowly understood each other. When Eru/Ilúvatar saw that the Ainur had grown so much, he declared a mighty theme to them; revealing to them all things of glory that he had yet to reveal, So amazed were the Ainur that they bowed to him in silence. Following this, Ilúvatar said, (Damn this English is hard to read or understand eh?) So, remember in the Lord of the Rings movie (or books) what Gandalf yells to the Balrog on the bridge of Khazad-dûm? I'll remind you if you forgot, The Secret Fire, also known as the Flame Imperishable, refers to that aspect of Ilúvatar which is his Power of Creation. It is what Melkor, the corrupt Ainur, was envious of and sought out in the void, but he couldn't find it due to it being with Ilúvatar. Sorry for dragging a little off topic, anyways, Ilúvatar declared that he had kindled the Ainur with the Flame Imperishable, meaning that they now had free will and true life. Allowing them to do greater deeds. So after God mans big opening statement the Ainur began to sing. Filling and overflowing the dwelling of Ilúvatar with a great music and a sound arose of endless interchanging melodies woven in harmony that passed beyond hearing. And the music and the echo of the music went out into the Void and it was not Void. Remember that brat Melkor I mentioned earlier? Well here he comes into play once again. Melkor was the most powerful of the Ainur, and knew some of Ilúvatar's thoughts. He thought of his own themes and thus began developing them himself. During the great themes, Melkor participated but sang his own themes. Some Ainur (latter Maiar, which are something like lesser gods or demi-gods if you will) joined him. These would end up being the Balrogs (like the one Gandalf fought), Sauron and other evil things later. The Ainur sang three themes, all of which Melkor spoiled. After that, Ilúvatar stepped in with one chord, stops the song, and chastised Melkor. After Ilúvatar had embarrassed Melkor in front of everyone, he showed the Ainur the product of their choir and themes, Arda, which the didn't comprehend fully. Ilúvatar then made manifest to the world using the three great themes, even Melkor's parts. The Valar (the most powerful Ainur) entered their newly created realm and started to shape it, as it was devoid of any geographical features. Whatever the Valar built and shaped Melkor tore down. Again and again until finally Tulkas the Valar came, causing Melkor to flee Arda with many of the lesser Ainur, leaving the Valar to shape Arda. The shape they first choose was symmetrical, with two towers with lanterns atop them to light the world. in an island in the middle, Almaren, they made their kingdom. When they finished, they had a great feast, in which Tulkas married Nessa (another Valar). Afterwards, they rested, and Melkor found the opportunity to sneak into Arda again. While the Valar rested, Melkor mustered up his forces and attacked the lamps. They were both destroyed and the aftermath of the destruction of the lamps changed the world. The Valar were to busy trying to maintain Arda and prevent full disaster that they couldn't chase Melkor. Below is pictured the damage that Melkor did: The Vanyar (the fairest and most noble of the elves) were the first to leave. They traveled quick and they all made it to Valinor (the land of the Valar), followed by the Noldor (the Elves of knowledge), who also made it all to Valinor. The Teleria (known as those who come last) though were not that fast and many split, including Elwe, who fell in love with the Maia Melian and stayed behind. All the Teleri that stayed behind would form the Nandor, Laiquendi and Sindar elves. Eventually, after waiting for a long time in the shores of Middle Earth, in which time they grew to love the sea, the remainder also went to Valinor. *Note* Valinor, the land of the Valar is also known as the Undying Lands, which in the movies of the Lord of the Rings, Frodo, Sam, Bilbo, Legolas and it is rumored Gimli were allowed to travel to in return for their help in the destruction of the ring. Furthmore, the land of the Undying has a somewhat misleading name as it does not allow mortals to live forever, rather, most of the people allowed to reside there are immortal. So yes, Frodo and Bilbo...ect... eventually die. Well folks, that's all. I apologize in advance for any spelling errors. I tried to make this as straight forward as possible (I hope I did). Im not the best in explaining things in detail so bear with me aha.
Re: The Creation of Ainulindalë and Other Facts I think you need to remove the word 'facts' from the title, a fictitious story cannot contain facts, that's kind of the whole point bud
Re: The Creation of Ainulindalë and Other Facts Some of the interesting stuff from the book "the silmarrilion" which is a cracking good read btw
Re: The Creation of Ainulindalë and Other Facts true however, you can state facts from the book. It's a fact Aragon is a bad ass swordsman from Middleearth. It's a fact dwarfs are sprinters. #middleearthfactsftw
Re: The Creation of Ainulindalë and Other Facts can state statements or excerpts from the book. Facts are tangelible. Witnessed, touch, taste, felt etc.... I am no English major but as a common everyday person. A fact and fiction cannot be co-mingled. There is a reason fiction books and movies have their own section or categories
Re: The Creation of Ainulindalë and Other Facts Only over short distances! Fantastic work OP. Great read - I actually love the original language. Reads like poetry.