The collectively nakid Zerg

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thee_CHERRY_on_Top, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. IDD vs Zerg. Oh yes another OSW thread.

    During estocs beta Heart of Gold vs Immortal Death Dealers, IDD had 4 war runners. After the war they all got farmed for leaving war without notifying clan leaders. 3 soon came back to apologize, one did not. Stay_in_trouble.

    Long story short trouble refused to apologize, zerg owner mourga-ra didn't try to fix the problem, he called IDD's owner ignorant on his own wall so Trouble continued to be farmed.

    IDD admin shamefullylongsword was stripped. IDD immediately went to war against zerg. 8 days in, 2.5 trillion stripped off of zerg's most active in war with 93% success.


    If mourga had only had his member apologize this could have avoided.. But mourga underestimated IDD. He saw our size and thought we were a joke. Well who's laughing now Mourga-ra?

    IDD may be small but we don't back down.
  2. Kick some ass IDD. 
  3. Sounds good, kaw needs more good wars like this
  4. Support to IDD!!
  5. i dont care about the details, all i like is a good war. lol
  6. To be fair, I wanted to be stripped. Still do. Often.  Doesn't everybody KaW naked? 
  7. I approve this message.
  8. Hi sword still causing trouble I see
  9. Lol hardly cherry.

    1) learn how to spell. Makes you look incompetent

    2) shall we post the member of IDD that we have stripped or chased away? Nah... We're better than that.

    I'd just post your wall. But see, you blocked in a childish attempt to get rid of me.

    This has all been too easy.

    Back to the OSW and beating on Cherry.
  10. why do i have no inc? i feel unloved :(

  11. Spy Stl 3/3/3 np
  12. We've stripped like 3 times that ammount off you guys... and IDD has at least 15 runners all ready.. Why come on forums to pound your chest when your clan is all running / getting stripped naked at least 2 per day?

    I ran 24 xstals on one of your stripped members today infact... so did many others.. we're at over 1500 reported steals.. Not to mention the ones who didn't report.. Another one wakes up naked.

    P.s. what the hell is "nakid"?

  13. You know, I really feel the same
  14. yay now i feel loved inc a buttload of steals :D
  15. 1. Weird why can't 4 of them go away?? As maybe they hv things to do at RL.
    2. I checked they war history between IDD and HoG and I can see mny leak and inactive at IDD.
  16. So who is massive_ra?
  17. I have to laugh Hobb

    1.) You spammed my wall like a toddler wanting attention. So yep BLOCKED

    2.) ZERG is to good to post IDD members stripped? Ahh but not to good to run and puff your chests out bragging oin WC about sls's strip though.

    3.) I give better then I receive sweetheart

    4.) 7 members of IDD we're stripped to my knowledge. None of them successfully. We've lost about 500 bil

    5.) Don't I look cool and smart with my number list? Rotflmao
  18. Cherry, I fully take credit for laughing at you guys on WC about the strips. LSA did that, not Zerg. Regardless, all these "failed strips" have been like 6 hours of all of us unloading hourly, with a large ammount of us xstalling, until defender too weak... And then they never max plunder again, or upgrade... So maybe you need to learn what a "successful strip" is... Pay attention, we'll teach you. More to come.
