Ok. I am back with a new book I quit all my other books because peoples comments ruined it. It is OK if you don't like my book. But you can post comments on my wall. Don't post them on the thread because you will ruin it for everybody and I will have to start all over again. I know that some people might want me to continue. So I will drag this book on and on and on. I will also add many characters and I will explain what happened to the people as the story goes on I will not tell you everything at the beggining so as to not give away the book this story will be fictional so don't go saying this isn't true. If you do want to give advice, please follow me and I will try to use you're advice in the book unless it is total garbage. That being said ,I hope you like my book and don't post on this thread
prologue. 100 years ago there where twelve guardians. they ruled the world with their special powers 6 men and 6 woman. each had a special match for their power. water matched with fire, earth matched with air, nature matched with space, strength matched with healing, life matched with death and knowledge matched with force. they had a long and peaceful reign but when they had kids they all magically disappeared the children were lost and the land plunged into chaos crime and evil the world fell into a realm of darkness taking all the people with it. After 50 years the people of the world tried to reform their ways they made schools and. educated their children in the way of good, after 10 years the world was almost good again. Until a different race discovered the earth and inhabited the continents of Asia Africa and Antarctica. the inhabitants of these continents fled to the free countries and started fighting these supreme beings. well this different race was stronger and faster and could stand severe temperatures they were not advanced and the humans defended using technology and kept the alien invaders at bay.
chapter 1. As the group of teenagers walked towards the army camp. It seemed obvious that they were new and of a young age. "hello sir" They said to the officer at the gate "We are the team from the Greensale district" "all volunteers?" the officer asked "yes sir" they replied together "ok" said the officer "It's a pity that you are taken in to the war at such a young age, especially girls, but you can come in and go to your dorms. Lisa, Emily, Jack, and James are in bunk room #4 and you are assigned to troop 231, Erin, Beth, Joseph, and Fredrick are assigned to bunk room #20 and troop 231. The rest of you are in bunk room #34 and troop 231." (splitting the groups into numbers) (Lisa , Emily, Jack, and James are group #1) (Erin, Beth, Joseph, and Fredrick are group #2) (The last group is group #3 and they are yet to be named) As the groups headed off the split into couples and went into the bunkroom. (Lisa, Emily, Jack, and James' group) When they reached their bunk room four all slumped onto their bunks exhaustedly. "I cant believe we are actually going to fight in the war" said Lisa "Same here" said James "OK," Emily said "I know you're scared but we need to go to sleep." (#2) As the teenagers walked towards their bunk room, Beth suggested that since their dorm was on the other side they should scout out the area as they went. "Hey lets go through the kitchen," Fredrick said with a laugh. "Good idea," replied Erin "maybe we will make some friends." Then they headed off to the kitchen.
Hey Triss, want me to build a stable and farm your sorry ass? No? Then don't talk about people if you don't understand what they're saying.
Also, triss. How long have you been in FF? When was your first post here? Do you even know what TN3U is? Endgame? Revolution? No? Well you, sir/Madame, insulted me. "We don't want people like you (in the forums? In this forum? I forgot) Why should you care?" I care because this is my home in kaw. I hate to not be humble, but I'm one of the oldest players here, that's active. WE don't want people like YOU. People who think they're so cool, and can hate on whoever they want. So, please, quit while you're ahead.
It must be your first time here triss, and if you didn't know, this guy makes 100 threads a day so **** off
Suggestion: please use proper grammar and punctuation. It slightly kills me to read these. They are okay, but the grammar/punctuation errors ruin it slightly
Right. I kinda HATE HORRIBLE GRAMMAR LIKE EVERY BOOK THIS FOOL THAT CALLS HIMSELF AN AUTHOR HAS!!!!!! ( sorry about caps rage, I just HATE horrible grammar)