The Campaign

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Delphin, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. I'm sorry if the words following come across as insulting, or you are upset I used a your link. Here I begin:

    I've decided something. A few days ago I realized that this game isn't what it used to be. I won't pretend I've been here forever, I won't even pretend i was here before majesty became #1. I'm new here. Just like most of KaW is. When I was new, as in my first few days, I found myself in a young clan. Highest stat was 400K combined. And the first thing I was told was to go check out how to play this game by reading guides. So I read them. Not everything stuck, it's a huge amount to remember at once. However, every time I read through the strategy guides, thankfully placed by players who truly love this game, and I learnt. Bit by bit. I still go back occassionally.

    Anyways. To my point. We are acquiring a massive numbers of new players. Too many for some of our older players to handle. We all have lives outside of KaW. When a noob/newb annoys you, it gives you a reason to return to that life where you don't have to deal with them. decision. Get rid of noobs. Yes. I know, it's been tried.

    Here's the deal, now, this might not work, but if it helps a few people out, then in my eyes, it was worth it. We are going to teach them how to play KaW to it's fullest. First, we clean up wc. Make it wc again. After that, after we have turned noobs into newbs, we can allow them to grow, then we can war them someday :) that's my dream. I hope you can share it.

    To the experienced players, thanks for reading so far, hope I still got your attention. He's what I'm asking you to do. Redirect newb/noobs here. Every so often, when you see a hire me on wc, wall the person, or spend a few speakers explaining how to get here and how they might benefit. I will do it alone if need be. But I would appreciate any amount of help. I'm doing this because I believe we need to take KaW back one step at a time. This may be our first step. If interested, feel free to join pal group "the campaign". Let's make KaW fun for everyone!

    To the new players
    (I put colors so if you were just scrolling through you might stop)

    To the new players of Kaw. If, on wc, you are asking for hires, volleys, or dates*. I have encompassed several guides for you following this paragraph. I would like you to go through them. All of them. Read them carefully, learn how to make gold without having to get hired. Learn about KaW! Help others. Have fun! Because having fun is what this app is all about. 

    I have tried to set them in order of how you should read them for quickest learning.

    Starting guide-Truz97

    Kaw Handbook-dillybar

    Beginner's guide to Kaw-j3lackj3ird

    Tips on volleying, plunder & ally bonus, ect.-Trex

    Guide to ally ownership and ally bonuses-Tmh

    The beginners guide to warring-dillybar 

    The KaW builds/buildings guide-dillybar

    Warning! The following guide is both amazing, and incredibly lengthy.
    The Grand Guide to everything KaW-Raeki

    These are just a few guides that will give you the basics. If you want to learn everything about KaW and all it's aspects, find a guide in the strategy section of forums. Almost everything is covered there.

    If you have any further questions please post either Here, where some great people will do their best to help you. or feel free to ask me via wall.

    *sidenote about KaW dating. I personally don't care if you want to have inter-kaw relationships, but do it somewhere privately, where people don't see how desperate you really are.

    Thanks for your time and effort. If you wish to join my cause I would be happy to have you. If you have learnt anything from this, I would please ask that you retain the information, help the cause, and post your thoughts, discoveries, or love. 

    If you want to troll, I would be happy to talk to you elsewhere. 

    Thanks for reading. Have a great day.  :) :)

    **side-sidenote the way to rename a link is used with a bb code. 

    I'm only adding this because I searched every guide and couldn't find it.

    ***side-side-sidenote this may have been done before, in one aspect or another. If it has, I'm sorry and pay me no mind.

    Ok, NOW have a great day :) :) 
  2. Support...

    Stupid noob (Just Joshing)
  3. Support
    I'm willing to give it a shot.
  4. Fail by Brootal 
  5. Can someone post the condensed version of the thread please? I don't want to read it all
  6. I sorta agree here only way to get wc and the game back to what it could be is teach the noobs not farm them. All be it some should be farmed but yeah them how to grow and you won't here as much begging.
  7. Fail by rozobastion
  8. Rozo likes 
  9. Impressive. ^.^
  10. I think the only issue is there are more noobs then good players can help. So some will still become noob who beg and cry just cause there is not enough people willing to help all out there
  11. This would be a massive undertaking, but it just might work if we get enough support.
  12. Support 

    Good job
  13. I would love that
  14. Bacon, I believe that it'll work, if we get the ball rolling, and every person that learns from this recommends it to their newb filled clan, and it continues....we may stand a chance of changing kaw
  15. I have over 100 speakers to burn from propacks I'll be sure to help

  16. With you the whole way
  17. Support. Nice! 
  18. An even larger wave of noobs will come when verizon gets the iPhone. So hopefully the current noobs can learn enough so it's not a complete Zombie apocalypse.
    Cheers Delphin, you went from ranting a couple nights ago to writing a very wellspoken, educational, and inspiring thread. Hopefully devs will sticky it