Please don't post any comments in here. Please put them in the thread iWrite Co, this is just a thread so people can read my story with out looking for parts of it. It is also posted chapter by chapter on the iWrite Co thread. This is all I have written so far. More to come when ever I feel like writing it.
The Blessing Prologue: There is a rumor going around the world that certain people are "blessed" by a special council, and the "blessing" allows the people to excel at a certain thing. In order to be blessed your parents must find the council and prove you are worthy. Long ago the council found signs that a future council would have the responsibility of blessing a child that will either destroy the world or save it. They would have to choose between three children that are all worthy but the council won't know which is correct. One will save the world, one will destroy it, and the other will fail to do either. That day is coming very quickly. First Chapter: "Orcus hurry up we can't be late!" "I know mom I'm coming" "Your dad is already outside waiting" "Ok I'm ready now. Can I know where we are going?" "No it's a surprise." All I know is we are going to the Mountain of Taeos, a sacred mountain that few people dare go, there are Gerdags, a large animal with huge teeth and claws, everywhere in the mountains, they are difficult to hide from and even more difficult to kill. I've heard my parents whispering about a ceremony but I don't know if it's for me or them. I think it's for me but I don't know, now I have to go so we aren't late. Ok ten hours later and we are just outside the Mountain of Taeos we can hear the gerdags in there and that makes me nervous to actually see them because they sound scary. While we were walking I found out that the ceremony is for me but my parents won't tell me what will happen, all I know is that I'm anxious to find out what will happen. My dad is yelling at me to go to sleep so I'll write more tomorrow morning. For breakfast we had some roasted animals found scavenging near the base of the mountain in the forest, and some weird smelling plants wrapped around the animal. I have no idea what the animal was but it was good. The gerdags seem to be closer now, and my dad has his sword ready. He seems to be extremely proficient with a sword, and that makes me feel safer knowing he is here. We are about to start walking again so I'm going to stop writing. We found some other travelers going to the same place we are going with a girl named Theresa. She is the same age as me and also has no idea what the ceremony is about. She said her dad was very good with a bow and that makes me feel even safer. It's time to go to bed now, I'll write more tomorrow morning. We had the same animal roasted for breakfast again and it seemed even better this time. My mom says we are almost there, which makes me even more nervous. What will I have to do? What will happen if I mess up, or can't do what I am asked to do? Who else will be there? I've heard my parents talking to the new people about a council, and I think I'm going to be judged. Theresa has no idea what is going on and my mom told me that I can't tell her anything. My dad is telling us all to be quiet so I'm going to stop writing, he says he hears several things near us. It turns out those things he heard were another family going to the same place, there is a boy named Marodo who is also the same age as me, and he knows about the ceremony but not about the council, and again my mom has told me not to say anything about it to him. We found a gerdag today, or more accurately it found us but we were able to kill it, it seems that Marodo's dad is able to use a sword as well as my dad, and without him the gerdag might have killed Theresa. My mom says we are very close to where we need to be, and we need to keep moving. We are outside a cave in the mountain and it seems to go on forever I wonder if this is where we are supposed to be. All the dads are standing around looking at things like they have been here before. Marodo's dad says it is time to go inside the cave for the ceremony, and that it will be very interesting. I won't be able to write until it's over.
Chapter Two: I can't believe how different I feel after that! Everything seems to be talking, and it's hard to keep track of what is being said. When we were in the cave still walking to the place where we needed to be I could hear our dads whispering to each other, I could only hear parts and those were confusing enough. "Has there ever been so many?" "What about the prophecy?" "All of the Blessed know the prophecy." My head was buzzing with questions the entire walk. "Has what ever happened before?" "What is going to happen to us?" But suddenly there was a huge main chamber that felt like there was a special flow of energy going through it, like the world was perfect and nobody had any problems. The people in the chamber were even more interesting than the energetic flow. One was huge, I think if there were two people my height stacked up beside him those two would still be shorter than him, and despite his immense bulk he seemed to blend into the background. I think I remember his name being Vulcaln. Then there was a women named Kythrie who was so short Vulcaln could extend his arm and still not touch her head. She seemed extremely agile and fluid. There was another woman named Deseray, who was about my height, but the strange thing about her was that she seemed to glow. The person that stood out the most seemed the most ordinary, but I could tell that if you wanted to succeed with the ceremony you shouldn't make him mad. He started talking after we met the others, "Good evening to you all, I hope you had a safe journey here. We are The Council of The Blessed. Our job is to Bless children your age, and when you are blessed we choose what your blessing is, but it is up to you to find out what it is. Once you figure it out we assign you a trainer that has the same blessing if one is available. I can tell the three of you that one of you will have a blessing no one has been given before." It seemed that he was looking at me when he said that part, I wonder if I'm that person. What he said after that was even more mysterious, "My name is Pesadian, I am the leader of the council. Once you are blessed you can't change back, that is why you must be proven worthy. The test is the journey here, and since all of you are here all of you are worthy. Please step into the center of the room." in the center the energetic flow seemed even stronger. The Council of the Blessed walked up to Marodo and started chanting, when they were done he fainted and his dad wasn't concerned as if that was normal. I looked at my dad and he nodded to reassure me, that helped a lot, know that they aren't trying to hurt us and it's part of the process. The Council walked up to me and started chanting again which caused the flow of energy to go into me, making me stronger then weaker, weak enough for me to also faint. I don't know if that happened to Theresa but I'm guessing it did. I woke up still in the center of the room but the flow of energy seemed weaker, as if the three of us took some of it. Pesadian walked over to me and asked if I was fine now, I said I was then asked why I fainted. He replied, "The energy you feel in this room is all of the past Blessed, it is from them that we get the energy required to Bless a person, and each Blessing has a different type of energy. We call that type of energy into the person with the chanting, and depending on the type of energy each chant is different. The sudden rush of extra energy is enough to make your body shut down, and most of the energy leaves but the part that stays is what gives you your blessing." I thanked him and went to see my parents, already I had began to notice that every was talking, it was just barely perceptible but if I focused I could understand some of the words. After talking to my parents everyone was ready to go to sleep, and now I have to go to sleep so I'm not tired on the journey back.