Discussion in 'Wars' started by *illililililiil-_-ilililililill (01), Feb 2, 2013.

  1. the regs cant hold up to the other side of the alliance. BH has way more strips in, the regs are the future bums in kaw they keep askin other members in the alliance to buy this to buy that to shop this to shop that, apperantly the great regs with all there Epic Battling still cant get up the funds, to make it happen them selves. they shouldnt b called regs they should b called GOODWILL or MARCH OF DIMES :lol:
  2. *speechless cuz of your stupidity*
  3. It's a statless noob, just let the thread die people.
  4. Says the alt.
  5. New suggestions for devs everytime a player with low stats come in forum put a / and there mains name suggestion thank you :)
  6. You are the one who said the regulators cf. STFU
  7. Op Stupid :D I'm gonna go get popcorn
  8. This is getting silly
  9. *pops popcorn* POPCORN FOR SALE!!
  10. :roll: Why? :?
  11. Ewwwwww
  12. I'm opening a hotdog and beer stand for this kind of threads.,

    We'll serve.. All beef franks, Wursts, Polish, Spicy Italian.. And Good Beer!

    Oh, Britney will serve!
  13. I love the lack of outrage in the fact Regulators wanted to CF with iG and BH to smash Foxes. Much respect to the alliance for sticking to their guns, but seriously Wulf? You seem to think youll get off so easy.
  14. Says the Alt..,
  15. I love all you ******* morons who think an alt is invalad. Especially you IGCB. You are a world class flamer. But, either way, you may not like my stats, but are not listening to my words.

    Regs are trying to CF cuz they can't handle the onslaught. To save face, they will ask to just hit Foxes because they broke their CF to honor an old alliance. So Alpha and all Regs can pound their chest again.

    Sorry, but iG and BH will prevail. Stop trying to prolong the inevitable.
  16. Tweed if you don't know that no matter what your talking about nobody listens to alts then don't even try on forums 