The big D with Devouring [2015]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    Behold, it's D time, with Devouring...

    The D stands for Debate. Once a week I'll be debating about a topic, both in forums and in world chat. You have the choose of agreeing with me or disagreeing.

    Forum Debate:
    • Q: What day is the debate?
      A: It'll be held random. But check my status, for an exact day. .
      Q: Are there any rules?
      A: All you have to do is follow the ToU and RoC.
      Q: How long does the debate last?
      A: The debate lasts for a week, than it'll be locked.

    Forum Debate Topics:

    World Chat Debate:
    • Q: What day is the debate?
      A: It'll be held random. But check my status, for an exact day.
      Q: Are there any rules?
      A: All you have to do is follow the ToU and RoC.
      Q: How long does the debate last?
      A: The debate lasts for an hour.

    World Chat Debate Topic:
    Week 1: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healthy food?
    Week 2:What Hurts More: Childbirth Or Getting Kicked In The Balls?
    Week 3: Should guns be banned?
    Week 4: Should Marijuana be legal?
  2. Thread will be edited and improved.

    You can go ahead and give me debate questions. Who knows I might choose one.
  3. Let's debate religion. That always goes well.
  4. I feel we always come to a justified, and unified decision when debating religion.
  5. I only D time on Saturday.
  6. Let's also do politics ^.^
  7. Not only that, but the debates that lead up to the unanimous decision on religion are always civil, and highly intellectual.
  8. why does devouring run from osw?
  9. 2 D's a week? ;D

  10. Does that make it a double D I really like double D's
  11. /lock jks
    Seems like a great idea that will promote peace
  12. Best of
  13. Devourings troll topic for Thursday:

    Should we as humans stop breathing due to the increased likelihood of living?

  14. Support,

    It was decided I am the one and only god.
  15. Better yet: should we drink ourselves if 80% of us is water?
  16. Religion's always fun to debate. Especially when you indirectly proven them wrong and even when they know they are wrong, they still continue. Absolutely priceless.

    EDIT: I'm not really a fan of group debates though. It takes longer to reply to more people (obsviously).
  17. Would a tuna kill a lion if it was a swimming in the ocean
  18. Kim kardashian made a pretty good living drinking other people.
    Just saying.
  19. Hmm....... You would have to get a really good prompt of it's going to last for a week.

    Also most debates end up being locked before they've been up a week no matter the topic.

    Maybe only have it last 2-3 days?