In physical cosmology, the Big Crunch is one possible scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the metric expansion of space eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately ending as a black hole singularity or causing a reformation of the universe starting with another big bang. Just like many others, it is based on Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. That is, if the Big Bang describes how the Universe most possibly began, the Big Crunch describes how it will end as a consequence of that beginning. It tells us that the Universe’s expansion, which is due to the Big Bang, will not continue forever. Instead, at a certain point in time, it will stop expanding and collapse into itself, pulling everything with it until it eventually turns into the biggest black hole ever. Well, we all know how everything is squeezed when in that hole. Hence the name Big Crunch. For scientists to predict with certainty the possibility of a Big Crunch, they will have to determine certain properties of the Universe. One of them is its density. It is believed that if the density is larger than a certain value, known as the critical density, an eventual collapse is highly possible. You see, initially, scientists believed that there were only two factors that greatly influenced this expansion: the gravitational force of attraction between all the galaxies (which is proportional to the density) and their outward momentum due to the Big Bang. Now, just like any body that goes against gravity, e.g. when you throw something up, that body will eventually give in and come back down for as long as there is no other force pushing it up. Thus, that the gravitational forces will win in the end, once seemed like a logical prediction. But that was until scientists discovered that the Universe was actually increasing its rate of expansion at regions farthest from us. To explain this phenomena, scientists had to assume the presence of an unknown entity, which they dubbed ‘dark energy’. It is widely believed that this entity is pushing all galaxies farther apart. With dark energy, and what little is known about it, in the picture, there seems to be little room for the possibility of a Big Crunch. Right now, measurements made by NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory indicate that the strength of dark energy in the University is constant. Just for added information, an increasing dark energy strength would have supported the possibility of a Big Rip, another universe ending that predicted everything (including atoms) to be ripped apart. Even with an unchanging dark energy strength, an ever expanding universe is still the most likely scenario. So unless data that contradicts these properties are collected, the Big Crunch will have to remain as a less favored theory.
Omg not another theory of the universe ._. Anyone that really cares about this spammy crap will google it. None of the theories of the universe can even be prooved. They are literally all theoretical and only people with good understandings of physics will be able to properly contribute to the debate on this theory's legitimacy.
If you don't want to read about this "spammy crap" then don't open the thread up. Please leave this thread.
There is hardly any detailed info here, so anyone could understand it.. Also how do you think someone would start caring about these things? Yes by reading about them and it doesnt matter where you read about them.. If it actually sparks a interest in someone then that guy can google it
You cannot be seriously taking credit for a bunch of information that is published on wiki. This is all copy and pasted. Fun to read. However none of this thread or your last one is original.
I still want to know how the first amounts of mass came into existence, since it can't be created nor destroyed in a closed system (ie the entirety of everything,) due to the law of conversation of mass. Some people argue that God can't exist simply because the way the Bible has it, he just suddenly existed, but what about the necessary requirements for the Big Bang? (Not bashing or anything, just too lazy to Google through 5000 pages of mumble jumble boopity bop)
I copied and pasted the first line from your thread and the entire paragraph auto populated and linked to wiki. it is indeed copied. Very interesting. But like I said, not yours. Thanks for sharing it tho. Next time, just post the link to the website.
Only the first paragraph though. I got the information from Wiki and wrote the rest in my own words. There wasn't a better way to phrase the first paragraph. Please leave my thread. Thanks.
You can cut **** but it still stinks even if you only cut a little of it. Plagiarism is plagiarism no matter how you copy and paste it.