THE best eb

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 80Aron, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Wich eb is best for you do you say comment
  2. My favorite EB is farming
  3. WOULD YOU GO AWAY. Post this on Dillybars question thread.
  4. Definitely farming
  5. Dilly's thread isn't for this.
  6. Ok I'll go away...
  7. Who else is hitting op? He just went dtw
  8. I'm hitting a random :/
  9. Awwww I love my newest wall post, thanks op. :)
  10. I like the ops gold... It tastes like octopus
  11. Aren't you guys such badass farmers!
  12. I never really hit OP cuz I could careless
  13. Would a mod please ban him 3 threads in a day is spamming I think or am I wrong
  14. Jake, enjoy my attention for a while after my EE war.
  15. I think that is wrong 
  16. Not jas but squirtle
  17. Does farming pays better than EB?
  18. Sometimes... It depends on how much gold the player has out
  19. The OP has asked a question, maybe not the best (as its been asked over and over). But there's no need to cap lock warrior on them. Show them respect and they'll show you it. Don't be jerks about it.