THE best eb in KAW

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _--_ANGEL_--_, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. What is the best eb in kaw you all want to know,how to fast grow and be power...Play haunting the fast one and you can earn bilions per day just use pots on seals in time and you will grow...All other ebs are slow 
  2. I heard Storm the Palace was nearly a new higher tier version of the haunting.
  3. You know, except FoD and Ambush and all those other ones that give more gold/are shorter to finish, right?
  4. yes but haunting is still faster and you can get more gold then in all other ebs :p
  5. FoD, hitting item stages and staying active the whole time, and finishing quickly, can get you 8-9b bonus in 5-6 hours. So about the same/more than haunts
  6. haunt is 3 h max and you get 6,5 bil :)
  7. Haunt is 6 hour max and what you get depends and varies massively.
  8. Took the words outta my mouth
  9. 4 hour FoDs or 3 hour Storm the Palace, you can get lucky and end up with 15b in bronze bars /pot drop in a 3 hour EB
  10. Umm Acc is a lot better. If you don't know what that is op it's "a cold calling"
  11. I make 3 bil a haunt and my clan dies 1 hr haunts
  12. Stp or acc have good plunder per hit but after bonus they really don't compare to haunt or fod. Then if gold isnt a main priority, tgl is a great eb to hit. The pots earned and all it drops make it very worthwhile.
  13. For a new player, it's easy to net a 5-6.8B drop from NML. Unsung hero of Ayer growth IMHO
  14. Or have your statless alt buy 1000 seals of deflection, be friends with owner, unload 1000 items on haunt then have the clan finish the haunt. Gets you 5-6 billion per alt. I just did it yesterday lmao already am lowland complete working on lowland build complete lmao
  15. FOD is the best paying in terms of amount per hour you can make.
  16. Holy crap quit spamming op-_-
  17. This thread is pretty dumb.
  18. But id have to go with haunts