The Best Complaints

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SecretKiller, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Disclaimer: This is not a thread for anyone to post their personal complaints. I am new at making threads so sorry for any lack of effort.

    We have all at one time or another seen a funny complaint. It could of been a noob asking for more gold from a eb or the person you are farming asking for a cf by some funny terms.
    Now post some of the funny complaints you have seen or heard about. It is prefered that they are original. No need for 50 post about the same thing like equip drops from a eb. You do not have to post the information of the person who made the complain unless you feel the complainer deserves some feedback/credit.
    Here's one I've seen: I saw a guy who had farmed a few people from a clan and the clan hit back. He immediately asked for a cf because he had no idea why they were farming him.
    Now its your turn. Let the complaints begin!
  2. No support.
  3. "Whenever I fall in love they go inactive :("

    Idek why ๎’๎’๎’makes me laugh every time