The Best Build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by King_Harley, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. There are several types of builds on kaw, attack, hansel, and hybrid. Right now im going for an attack build but i hear hybrid is the best. I thought it was attack is best for ebs, hybrid for war, and hansel for farming. Is that true. And what is the best overal build? I wanna hear what ur guyses opinions are. What is the best build.
  2. The only building you need is your castle....
  3. Oh and upgrade your castle!!!

    Wait that's "legal" now -.-
  4. There is no "Best Build" Its whatever build suits the way YOU play this game, whichever suits YOUR playing style.
  5. Lawl! Its hybrids are good for ebs, hansels and attack build for war. Theres not really a farming build.
  6. For the win.....
  7. Hybrid is half spy, half attack.
  8. Best builds hmmmm how long have u got IMHO read Cos-dillybar guild or wulfs guild the best advice you are likely to get. Or momudd3 simple guide for beginners
  9. Hansel is the best build! It earns you money fastest, people can't farm you, and you can farm others, without them knowing.
  10. What about turtle build op
  11. I find it funny how do many noobs think that hybrid is good for war... It's an EB build!
  12. I personally like the balanced attack build.
  13. Hybrid can be deadly with high bfa