The Basic Guide of Plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIllIlll_xXWarWolfXx_llIIIllI, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Plunder. What is plunder? Well, plunder is one of the best things in kaw. Plunder bonus increases your maximum gold per hit by a LOT. Different types of buildings gives different amounts of plunder. (See list below)

    What is "plunder bonus"?

    Plunder bonus is the bonus of more gold per hit. The more expensive an ally, the more plunder bonus it will give you. For example, an ally costing 10 billion gold will have more plunder bonus then an ally costing 1 million gold. Everytime you or someone else gets hired, their price goes up by 5%. The total cost of an ally is 223.4 times more expensive than the plunder bonus. So assuming you dont reach max plunder (next question), and you only have the only ally, you need to attack someone stronger than you 224 times in order for your ally to pay for itself.

    I keep buying allies, but my plunder wont go up. What wrong?

    Different types of buildings give different amounts of plunder. You have reached max plunder. Max plunder is the maximum amount of plunder bonus you are able to recieve with your current buildings.
    Here is a list of how much plunder each building gives. Tier 1,2,3 buildings are the "skill" and "power" level of a building. T3 buildings are the best, followed by T2, then T1. The higher the tier, the more expensive the upgrades and buildings are though.

    Here's the list:

    T1 lvl 1: 10000
    T1 lvl 2: 22000
    T1 lvl 3: 48000
    T2 lv1 1: 30000
    T2 lvl 2: 66000
    T2 lvl 3: 144000
    T3 lvl 1: 67500
    T3 lvl 2: 149000
    T3 lvl 3: 324000
    Guild lv1 1: 5000
    Guild lvl 2: 33000
    Guild lvl 3: 216000
    Guild lvl 4: 432000

    *Notice that the list is incomplete. Stronghold of shadow and other tier 4 buildings are not included*

    Why dont I get plunder bonus when i spy?

    Unfortunately, stealing doesnt have the advantage of plunder bonus from allies. This can drive OSFs (pure spies) crazy. Fortunately, there is a simple solution. A build formation called "Hansel" is one attack building with the rest of his/her building slots filled with spy buildings. This gives the ability of plunder bonus to a spy.

    What are plunder wars?

    Plunder wars (PWARs) are wars between clans. They are different from real wars (RWARs) because the people on the OSF side let you attack them. You can make a lot
    of money participating in a plunder war. You can hitnrun, meaning that you leave after you fully unload (attack until your troops are gone) or you can staynplay, meaning that you stay in the clan even after you finish unloading, and staying for future pwars.

    Why do OSFs let people hit them on world chat and in plunder wars? Are they stupid?

    When an osf "opens" (lets you hit them) in world chat, it is out of pure kindness. They lose money, but they can help a lot of people grow. When an osf opens in a pwar, it isnt because hes stupid. Near the end of a pwar, the hitting side (Non-osf side) will forfiet the war, and all the money, plus tax (20% bonus) will be given back to the osf. This is a great profit for the osf, so they actually gain something. You grow and they grow. Everyones happy.

    How come my friend has more plunder bonus than me, but we have the same amout of buildings and allies?

    Buildings that are defensed based (war cathedral, summoning circle) give a 5% plunder bonus for the building. So 10 defensive based buildings will have more plunder than 1 defensive based building. A defensive building gives 105% plunder. Every other attack building gives 100% plunder.


    Hansel: one attack building. The rest are spy buildings.
    Oaf: open attack farm. Pure attack.
    Open: An osf lets you attack him/her for free.
    Osf: Open spy farm. Pure spy.
    Plunder bonus: more gold per hit from allies
    Pwar: plunder war
    Rwar: real war
    Stronghold of Shadow: the most powerful spy building (AKA SOS)
    Tier: the power level of a building
    Unloading: Attacking the maximum number of times. When full, you attack 24 or 26 times max. If you have any number of balanced attack buildings, then you get 2 extra hits when full.

    Please comment and correct any mistakes I have made.

    General knowledge,
    And friends

    Brought to you by.. Well, me.. I guess..