The balanced build... why not?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by camel_toes, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. I want to know why it is unpopular to build a balanced kingdom. Everone is building pure attack or Hansel. Why would we not be encouraged to build a kindom with some of all types of buildings. In history all attack or all spy or all defence dont work irl. I cant escape the logic that building a kingdom with attack buildings and spy and defence buildings in a stratigic manner. Such as 40% att and 40% sos and 20% defence. Why would this build not be effective in war?
  2. There are builds like this. Not as many as others though. Balanced builds have roughly same cs as pure builds, meaning most players can hit them. And if they have medium stats on spies and soldiers then its way for a hansel and a pure attack build to hang up on them. Although of course they can be great for war, and be great in epics. But can also be a leak. You must be very active with them
  3. My first build was a balanced build and it proved to be useless for me. Others may like but I personally found I was not attk heavy enough to handle big atk builds and not spy heavy enough to handle spy builds.
    Hansels dominate Player vs player fights everytime in my opinion.
  4. Oh and you need very high BFA for them to work well. But if used and built properly they can be very powerful
  5. Because then attack builds have better attack and hansels have better spy, so then you are weak to both sides. Hybrid is something that's becoming more popular, but even then they are generally attack heavy.
  6. What is BFA?
  7. Bonus from allies.
  8. So how do attack builds and hansels work together in battle? During a war.
  9. If ur doing estoc wars hybrid is the way to go if ur teams are organized
  10. So a hybrid is att hatcharys and all cursed foundrys and what then? 5 or 6 sos?
  11. hybrid could be highland hatchery and lowland SOS
  12. I have balanced attack and defense
  13. Hansels are a great build. Besides Estocs. Attacks reap greater plunder since they can attack larger players. Hansels are stuck hitting small guys for small gold, and can get troop pinned easily. It's not hard for 10 attack builds scouting you for you to go ko
  14. The reason being is because an attack build or a spy build could easily rip through it if that build doesn't have a high BFA. So obviously people are going to stay away from it. But also it depends on how you use it! 
  15. This build is also known as Hybrid.
  16. If I had High BFA why not make a pure attack or spy build and then get my stats from my weak side of my offense
  17. My builds balanced. I have no bfa either but it's still fun
  18. I'm convinced there are three best builds for the PVP warrior type. Attack with spy defense and low spy attack, hansel, and for the serious players, attack or hansel with lots of spy defense. No hybrid/mixed/balanced. For the simple fact that both attack and spy near your cs could pin you. The advantage of these hybrid builds is that in some situations (enemy has low spy defense) you can sit on people much larger than you. Just what I've found out from having both hybrid and attack with spy towers.
  19. Cuz if you get properly stripped of allies, both hansels and atk builds can tear through you with ease.