Discussion in 'Wars' started by RELlC, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. I saw a post I liked about a guy creating two clans for 1v1 p wars. A way to settle disputes with a winner actually listed in history vs he said she said, I really like this idea. Each winner listed on cp with number of wins beside his/her name. Maybe have a champion listed for whoever has the most wins

    12 hour wars, FF at 6 hours optional. Now I don't have 50 b or the capability of earning it at this size but will gladly run or help run one of these clans as I'm not too concerned about growing.

    So if anyone wants to create two clans I'll help manage this. Lol I'm poor

    First matchup I'd like to see is VAL vs Chairborn: we've already all witnesses your heated arguments in forums, let's make the battle public  Any clan or alliance with a spare 50b want to sponsor this ?
  2. We'd all know Val would win. He has 15 alts.
  3. No alt help, 1 v 1
  4. Respect to chair though. It's just val has he overwhelming advantage.
  5. Val wouldn't abide to the rules. 
  6. This seems interesting... Also might be good to farm mith from... I'd rather just farm mith
  7. My one friend has like 20alts all more than 8milcs the largest is like 22mil
  8. Stop chasing mith and ebs for a breathe and let's do something fun as a community FFs lol...I'm sick if hearing about e war and ebs. There's other ways to compete, with bragging rights and pride as your reward
  9. Yeah pride is good but so is gold.
  10. If you could 1v1 farm mith and buy perm items in the shop that would be amazing!
  11. Ya no doubt
  12. A 1v1 arena clan setup with the owners locking down the clan as soon as the other participant is in. Allowing no more in, which makes account choice (if you have multiple) a deciding factor to if you win or not.
  13. Yup rikki, locked roster, if you use outside help and it's ss and proven then you lose
  14. And you must enter with the account you challenge with, can't challenge with a GH and enter with a 12m cs war build lol
  15. Well I think I got a sponsor, chair, Val,,,do you guys accept?
  16. Val has declined on my wall, I guess it's more fun to tell at your opponents in forums about who is better ...idk lol
  17. Oh well it would of been fun, beat his ass Val chair was annoying me with that bully crap 
  18. It's interesting, but it'd basically be a 10 hour self pinning match.

    And you missed the point of my thread entirely. None of it was about who could beat whom or who could make more gold. It was about showing you don't have to be pushed around by bullies. You can fight back. You don't have to destroy them. The goal is to make them leave you alone. That is your victory.

    People like Val relay on size, multiple accounts, and the backing of what I call the "Bully Support Network" to intimidate smaller and weaker players in order to get them to do what they want. As soon as I post this, the BSN will flock here posting their usual comments about how great they are and how much I suck. They do this because they have an image to protect, and people who successfully fight back are a threat to that image. They want to keep KaW in fear of them. They want people to know if someone goes against them, they will suffer their wrath and scorn. They'll publicly humiliate you so you best think twice about saying something to them or about them.

    Image is everything to the BSN. They know decent players on KaW outnumber them, but most people won't get involved because it doesn't affect them personally. Those who might are put on notice that if they DO get involved, they face the group. Val even said it himself. If the clan of the person he screwed over decides to punish him, he has a whole clan at his disposal and more. Who is the more? The BSN. They're all friends and they all have alts. That allows them to cheer lead in the forums while at the same time to deny that they're involved.

    That's a tactic that spy clans have used for years on KaW. You keep a respectable main in one clan, and play terrorist with an account in another. I know this because we've had spies in some of those clans and we knew who their mains were. Not that I'm saying they terrorize people, but the Omets are an example. They're spread out in many different clans, but they use alts to come together and accomplish whatever their particular goal is. Their mains stay safe from retribution because no one knows who their mains are. That's how the BSN works.

    Anyway, like I said, none of it was about proving they could be easily destroyed. It was about exposing them for what they are, bullies, and showing that you can stand up to them. It was also about raising the awareness of the community about what's going on and that a lot of it happens because people either don't care, or they're too intimidated to speak up.

    You have a great evening and I'll allow the BSN and their fan boys like you to rush in here and do what they do best. Run their mouths about how what awesome and fearsome warriors they are and how no one can stand before them.

    I know better.

  19. Chair that seems like a pretty worthy cause, people should stand up for their selves, but at the end of the day war games can be brutal and people need to learn not to take it too personal if they get targeted by a group. Take your beating and move on, it will end. Fight back the best you can.