The Alpha Male of Kaw -IMF-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Leodegrance_de_Cameliard, Feb 2, 2015.

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  1. The Alpha male of Kaw –IMF-

    An alpha male is the top-ranking animal in a social group.


    IMF is the top ranking male at Warlor, hellhounts, Apoc, chaotic, clan A …….. and probably at Kaw.

    The alpha male usually has more opportunity to mate with the available females and the eunuchs surrounding him. So -IMF- Really is a poor man, unfortunate, miserable, unhappy, loser, wretch & sad sack trying to be nice with so many women and eunucs.

    I Really Believe that always will be an Alpha Male at this game, because it is a social rule, now is IMF, tomorrow who knows. But

    Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

    but finally I do want to thank -IMF- for the tremendous sacrifice and mental wear his does 24/7 keeping those women and eunucs entertained and relaxed.

    Thanks to this -imf- permit us to play relaxed and fun.
  2. Inb4 "spragga is true alpha male" post
  3. An alpha male can be an act. And there is not one.
  4. At least OP used his Main. =)
  5. Support to iMF. Seen him in action and have also had the pleasure of having my face shoved in the sand by him long ago. Nobody pins targets at both ends like IMF.
  6. Kali butthurt again 
  7. This isn't OP's main.
  8. Someone ban op already
  9. Apply cream to butthurt area
  10. think someone has a really bad crush....
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. :lol: :lol:
  13. 
  14. Op you are butthurt and boring nobody cares that you got stripped and lost your lb spot just go away already
  15. Who is OP? ...never heard of him.
  16. Just a butthurt nobody
  17. Can I make requests now?

    Next thread you make to express your hurt feelings can you do it Shakespeare styled? I feel this would more accurately express the comedy and tragedy of your woes and strife.
  18. To be an Alpha Male, or not to be? that is the question :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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