the 7th-10th ranked ee wk12:4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ER-Rudementary, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. The 7th had 43
    The 8th had 55
    The 9th had 60
    The 10th had 45

    Looks like a good 43-45 and 55-60 war right???

    Nope instead 55-43 and 45-60. This could be fixed so easy it seems. Round 3 also had 2 wars within 5 str that could have been dead even too but instead 2 mismatches as well. Round 3 we were up 9 and upset b/c we wanted a fair war. We aren't looking for number advantages like some. We wanna war even.
  2. I also have to ask one question: how do u guys make the matchups?
    Do you have a special clan ranking only for ee taking prestige into account? How is even possible that a clan ranked 130 on LB (with 90 members and only 43 warring) gets matched against a clan ranked 27 (with 78 members and 55 warring)?
    Not because a lot left the clan ranked 27, not true! Not because we gained a lot of members: we don't accept guests.

    So how a clan ranked 27 with 55 warriors get matched with a clan ranked 130 with 43?
    I have no clue and I personally start thinking I'd stop warring because the last 4 matchups we had were completely uneven! Some in our advantage some against. Like rude said we want a fair and even fight.

    It looks to me devs didn't kill mith wars, they killed estoc wars an changed them into mith wars!
  3. Agreed, could've been 2 pretty good match-ups right there. Better than war we got anyway. Oh well, win some lose some.
  4. I'm not crying about our war. It happens. But I'm sure war rebels wanted a better matchup too. You can't test strategy or get better as a team in these wars. Last night we just sat on la resistance 43-34. When we saw matchup we were pissed. They are a Great War clan and we wanted to fight them even. There's no pride winning when u completely outnumber people. We had like 15 straight wars within plus or minus 4 then in the last 4 wars we were minus 11, minus 7, plus 9, and minus 12. 2 of those wars the teams close to us could have had matches switched with us for great wars.

    Solution. Devs let comps calculate str then u hand match the closest in numbers b/c lets be realistic. In a 10str vs 20str in even numbers, the better clan will still win most of the time. Only huge lb alts can mess up the balance.
  5. I have to ask one question.

    If you think it should be fixed, why don't you go write all the code and algorithm up (make sure it's perfect) for this apparently imaginary "perfect" match-up system and send it to the devs.

    Don't like it - don't EE war.
    Otherwise, don't complain.
  6. Do what??? I'm not whining. I'm saying that there were even matchups right there but instead somehow the 2 most uneven happened? Should have been 8 vs 9 and 7 vs 10. We assumed that with taking forever for matchups the devs were trying to get even numbers as that's 10x more important than strength. I love the ee wars. But lately matchups for many have been more and more lopsided.
  7. Support OP. DEVS need to wake up. Numbers mean much more than strength.
  8. OP, please write a code for the matchup, and email it to devs, problem sorted.
  9. Looking at your history, you have no reason to complain. 90% of your matchups have all been in your favour.
  10. Here's a thought. If those 2 matchups were switched the devs were looking at around 400 xtals used. Is it not worth having a human set the matchups after the comp calculates str to maximize their profits???
  11. Lol. We are generally less people. Sorry. Not sure what u are looking at.
  12. lol All those previous matchups were even fights where weaker clan always had a chance
  13. There's NO clan that has the exact numbers and strength as you.

    Some clans don't even participate, so the difference is even bigger. The algorithm works perfectly, it's not that which is the problem. It's just there is not enough clans similar size to you.
  14. Your matchup against la resistance previously, you had 13 more members.

    Why didn't you make a thread complaining then? Because you had the advantage? Yea exactly. Stop complaining when the favour is switched. Maybe try a different tactic.
  15. Val the point being made is there are clans with similar size and strength yet the algorithm is matching up unevenly
  16. I guess you didbt read my post. We could have fought the 10th clan minus 2 and ubk fight war rebels plus 5. Both would have been good wars and both within 3 str of each other. That was my whole point. There WERE options but somehow the worst were used.
  17. We sent feedback saying that matchup was unfair btw

    Therefore, the one with the closest strength to you is picked.
  19. We were 9 against la resistance and we were pissed. We wanted an even war. We war for fun not for uneven wars. Plus we should have fought ubk Friday as they were like plus 5 and 1 str off up and la resistance should have fought I think murder war.
  20. Agee with OP. I was on the 'right' side of this uneven matchup, it is just as boring for the winning side.
    In this case there were much better matchups available ( on paper at least ). To those who don't like complaints without suggestions, I am emailing the devs with a number of possible algorithms, along with pseudo code,that would have improved these matchups.

    Unfortunately the reality is that matchups will only really improve when large numbers take part ( probably need 1000 plus clans)