Thanks to all my Fans

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --kali--, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Hello to all my millions of fans at Kaw:

    There have been many expressions of support , love, respect and admiration that you have had with me during the last week.
    I wish with all my heart thank you and tell you that I'd rather be here with you playing kaw that playing another game between, polite and elegant people.

    Love you allways


  2. Awesome. Bye
  3. I second Melly
  4. Awww...that is so sweet! <3
  5. *says in a sassy tone* oh my god melissa you cant just say goodbye to people
  6. You seem to be getting more mentally ill by the post
  7. If I wanted to listen to stupid people I would've gone to Wal-Mart
  8. What happened to the 20 banks revealed thread? Lets complete one journey before embarking on another.
  9. Time to raise the quality of this thread.

  10. They're definitely backwards
  12. Thumbs point outwards if your palms are facing you, I think you need to explain a little more lol.