Thank You Fan Fiction

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xXxRPL_I_AngusEmpire_l_RPLxXx, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. I thank all who have written in this thread, from Utho's dragon tall to you guys now, fan fiction has had periods off chaos. But now it stands together while the other topics are full of rubbish. From 2010 to now I thank you all for contributing to fan fiction with your ideas!

    Fan fiction has had many stages but it has stood strong!!

    FF FTW!!!

  2. Thanks :)

    I remember when I go here... It was so cool. I'm such a better writer now :)

    Lately we've been having some internal conflict. This dude, colonaidas or whatever his name is (the_destroyer, whetever I can't remember) was arguing with a select group of members and these members told him to die in a whole, get the **** out of Fan Fiction, leave now, et cetera. It was really bugging me.

    You see, we'd arlready had a discussion about telling people to leave and junk because obviously no one can make someone leave Fan Fiction. :roll:

    So, basically, some players are pissing me off. I wish they would just go ahead and take a bow and leave instead of stalling.
  3. hole*

    Bad FH. You no proofread.

    Lol jkjkjk.
  4. Oh yeah. *hole

    Thank you :)
  5. FF reminds me of a forum on another game. It was Accually for clans but mainly people posted stories. It was the only thing surviving the madness of the game. I leave for a year and I came back and it had fallen to a fraction of its earlier glory. I really hope that doesn't happen to KAW.
  6. Also dragon tale is boss.
  7. KaW have been in this messed up state for so long now....probably hasn't been good since 2010.
  8. I personally never knew the early days of KaW but from what I know, KaW started to crumble after the first anniversary war.

    I joined the same month as the first anniversary.
  9. What we should do is to have a small group of people running FF. bastion did it as and it had a great impact on kaw
  10. We tried this.

    Didn't work.
    To get something like that, you need someone as influential as Bastion.
    And sadly we don't have a handy Bastion nearby.
  11. Like the OoW :) Oligarchy of Writing...

    I remember when I started that. Man I was conceited back then.
  12. Kk. Im recognised but maybe if we somehow teamed the top peeps of ff together
  13. Absolutely not. FF ain't going to turn in a hierarchy or dictatorship. Absolutely horrible.
  14. I remember last time we did that >.<
  15. Horrible idea lol
  16. I somehow happened without us even knowing it too... >_<