Thank You Devs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI-Il-Il-DaDragster-Il-Il-IlI, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Well, I'm just in forums here to say thank you Devs for making this game so fun and addicting. You guys make the game very fun with all the new stuff you add. Another thing I would like to say is, thank you for the summer promos which lead to escapes and revenge of warbeasts. Those Eb's made so many people grow so faster, so they can get more done. At first you had it planned for a limited time, but it seems you haven't removed it yet, and plan on keeping it which I am glad about.

    Thank you so much devs for making this game fun for hundreds of thousands of people.
  2. You should have emailed them instead. They don't read forums. But thank you for your appreciation.
  3. if they dont read forums who is kaw_admin and kaw_community?
  4. SC they don't really exist, they are just figmints of out imagination
  5. They do read forums. However a bump was unnecessary. People don't need to know that you are a suck up
  6. You must have a pretty powerful imagination then :p

    To the thread starter, thank you for your support and we're glad to hear you enjoy playing the game.
  7. Yeah, thanks devs!
  8. Lol my imagination is more powerful than anyone can imagine :lol:
  9. Danke schön, devs. We really appreciate your work.
  10. Lmao I love kaw_admin and kaw_community they are some of the funniest trolls
  11. Thanks devs...