Thank you, Daywing!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sean893, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. This thread is solely for the purpose of dedicating to one player


    Dear Daywing,

    It has been almost a while now, how have you been doing? :)

    I have not known you so well, unlike many others but today when you suddenly come to my head, it reminds me of one special thing you had given to me last year…

    Today, I would like to write to you based on the past that you have been a very thoughtful player, willing to return acts of kindness made by me. And when I saw you making something for me…I read it again today, and it touched me to tears.

    It reminds me,
    Daywing, that you are the only person to have ever dedicate a thread to me. at December 22, 2014.

    It was kind of a bit short, but I call it an awesome unique thread! Unfortunately, before I came to look at your dedication thread, it was derailed by some players and although I was devastated by the replies that derails the thread, I eventually managed to finally reply on it with my 601st post back then!! Fun times for me! Today, I feel blessed to read the old thread message you wrote to me again!

    I figured out that eventually I would choose to return special thread you gave to me, by making a thread that’s even more special hoping it would make you happy!

    I wish I could know you better now so I could write more positive things in this thread, unfortunately I cannot say what I do not know from you, and that my words would be scarce to describe you. However, I believe that you are the person who continues to return valuable moments of kindness to other people, and to justify that by doing so to me. It really touched me today! Threads like yours may get old over time, but it is gold to me!

    Daywing, you may have changed to someone else today, but yes or no, I will now say this quote to you taken from someone:

    ”I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou

    Whether you’re currently happy, angry, sad or miserable, I hope that by the time you started looking at this, you would feel appreciated and blessed, and more importantly the one special thread you have made for me, is treasured and never wasted!

    What goes around, comes around and I feel happy to be writing this return-dedication thread to you!

    Do have a lovely day not just on Kingdoms At War, but on real life as well! Whenever you are, whatever you do, please smile and be happy! :D

    Cheers from your Kaw friend,



    This thread can be locked AFTER Daywing has seen/replied to this thread!
  2. Dude,

    This is becoming creepy.
  3. Dang Narcissist... You was faster than me :)
  4. Please after Day's sees this thread please just dont let eagle lock it any mod can but not the birdy.
  5. Why are 99% of your posts about eagle? Fanboy much?

    Other than that, nice thread sean.
  6. Thank you, Rising_Star! I will gladly accept that positive feedback with honour!!

    Proud to be writing this thread for
    Daywing!! I hope he comes soon! :D
  7. Why are 99% of your posts about eagle? Fanboy much?

    Other than that, nice thread sean.[/quote]

    You have a problem with me with my dislikes? Question to your answer is "Against" not fanboy kiddo i don't watch cartoons like you do.
  8. You have a problem with me with my dislikes? Question to your answer is "Against" not fanboy kiddo i don't watch cartoons like you do.[/quote]

    Please, this is clearly a well thought out post full of kindness. Try not to derail it with mindness hate. Cheers.

  9. Please, this is clearly a well thought out post full of kindness. Try not to derail it with mindness hate. Cheers.[/quote]
    Quote not working?

  10. Please, this is clearly a well thought out post full of kindness. Try not to derail it with mindness hate. Cheers.[/quote]
    Edit: quotes are broken apparently.
    Sean, are you a machine? I feel like you're an advanced AI devoted to playing online games and complimenting people endlessly. It's unnatural, and I'm worried for your wellbeing if you actually are human.