I want to thank ATA, KaW, and all of its wonderful players. In 2010, when I was in 5th grade, I started playing this game. My friend had shown it to me, and I really enjoyed it. I unfortunately don't remember the name of the first clan I was ever in, but it was a great experience. Active CC, great owner/admins, etc. This was the time of pwars. Pwars were one of the greatest things to ever happen to me. I had so much fun growing with the members of that amazing clan. Eventually I left. I don't remember the owner of that clan either. However, I do remember we called him Mart. He was the most influential person I had ever met. He made this game fun for me. He loved helping new players like myself grow, and if he was around today, which he might be, I would say he had earned the title of Valiant Knight. If you're out there Mart, thank you. You have been a great role model for me. Later, I started joining clans some of my real friends were in, they were fun, but generally not that great. Still no EBs, and we weren't strong enough for pwars. This was never really very fun, so I moved on. Once EBs were created, I hopped from clan to clan for awhile, until I met NaughtyGwen. She might not remember me, but I remember her. She invited me into Naked & Famous. Some of her clan mates didn't like that a noob like me was being brought in. She defended me and they let me stay. After a short awhile, I realized that Naked and Famous was not for me. I was still a little noob, and I couldn't hit their EBs. After that, I stopped playing for a few months. During that time, my depression got worse and worse. I hated myself and my peers, and didn't see any reason to try in school. I got back on KaW, and felt so much better. New updates, more EBs, it was great. This was around the time when I became friends with Benny, Melissa, and bellamorte. They were great people, and I loved them, but I still was never in the same tier as them. I decided after LLBC to reset. I did that, and got a little bored. So I quit again. This was 2 years ago. I came back a few weeks ago, under a new name and account. I have recently been going through some struggles in high school. I don't have many friends, and not many people really like me at all. It's always been great knowing I can come on KaW and count on some great people to be with and talk to. Without KaW, some bad things would have happened. That is the story of my KaW career, and I am so happy about it. Some of you may know me as r-cat, others as Noodehl. Thank you all so much for creating this amazing community
Good to here n hope u keep play sounds like its helping you through some tuff stuff in life and anything that can do that stick to just dont forget the real world ether use what u lean here for people skills and apply them there.
Glad you found kaw somewhere you could escape to. It's pulled me through some bad times too. This game without the social element wouldn't be the game it is and I wouldn't still be playing it!
First of all Noodle.. We're proud of u buddy.. Don't go down the negative paths.. Stay strong.. U have a great future ahead of u.. Be confident in your unique self.. Don't let others judge or label you.. Blaze your own positive trail..
Kaw has some top kek. I think I owe kaw for not becoming depressed to be honest. I was very lonely and wanted a girlfriend for a long time but kaw filled that gap while I waited and the more I played the less lonely I felt. I honestly think kaw should be used for depression/borderline depression therapy xD
I don't know about you, but everyone I see this game I get depressed. It's a shadow of what it once was
Hun, I was in the same place as you are now when I picked up KaW. Family troubles amd racial issues at my high school. KaW definitely helps connect you with people who are almost like you. They become great friends and family, especially when starting at a rough age where things seem like the worst and hardest experiences you could imagine. It's cliché but, Noodle, things do get better. The horrible people in your life now, guess what? They won't mean anything to you later on. They'll get their own karma. Just try your best to focus on yourself, and when things get rough, your kaw friends will always be there for you. A lot of kaw players enjoy kaw because its an escape from real life. You get to learn the struggles others also go through, you share things you can't share with anyone else off kaw. The topics may not be the greatest, but I guarantee you, you can always find someone who has gone through a particular struggle that you may be encountering. The terrific thing about that? Those people will be able to help you through, because they're still here after they powered through.
I found this around 5 years ago, still got into drugz #yoloz #smokeweedeveryday #seriouslytho,ineedafinancialadvisorformydrughabits