Tg's ally store

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Tg001 (01), Jul 16, 2012.

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  1. Basically I've set this forum up for ppl to suggest a price range for the allies I buy and sell on to my customers keep em low though I'm still growing lol.
  2. This has been done before. Can't you just post "Hire my allies" in WC?
  3. It's better like this for me
  4. Pointless...will be lock.
  5. This really belongs in wc
  6. :lol: another noob found the forum button... :roll:
  7. Lol.. Use wc next time
  8. Stop spamming
  9. Basically I've answered this thread to suggest a lawsuit against you and your actions cause you write with no . or , and I'm starting to think you have find your keyboard at junkyard, next to your yokel hut :lol:
  10. Whats a lawsuit gonna do? How about a computer class instead? Or writing an essay about how awesome forums is and why it shouldnt be spammed with noob threads?
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