In some places around the world texas means crazy. Aparrently there are a certain amount of people in Texas that think it will be a great idea for Texas to secede from the union. If this was to happen how long would Texas survive without U.S funding and would Mexico try to retake what was once theirs?
I don't ever see Texas seceding. But if they did, I think they would have no problem holding their own. They're in a geographically advantageous location, they've got access to a broad range of talent and industry, and they've got a long, solid history with the US.
Texas wont succeed, but if they did, they probably could support themselves easily. During the housing market crash and nation wide bailout loans Texas actually flurished and didnt accept any money from the federal gov'ment.
Texas has a better chance than most, as they are the only state that uses its own power grid, and it's green energy has, in the past, given Texas 100% efficiency(it was a really windy day). Also it's of a decent size. If Luxemburg can make it, why not Texas?
Quebec is just hilarious. Their whole "plan" to sustain themselves after renouncing claim of Canada is to recieve billions of dollars every year from Canada. Probably in the name of renumeration. If it did succeed however, it would make Canada a broken country, introducing great transport difficulties for the manufacturing east to and from the resource rich west.
This topic is so 2012. You are a little late to the party. All the big news about Texas secession was 4 years ago.
For the last 2 years or so, I've lived in North Texas. Overall if I had a chance to move out of Texas, I'd take it without giving it any thought. Here's why: - the weather here is a friggin joke!!! It's always humid as hell and there are only like 2 months where it gets 'cool' outdoors. Texas snow is more like black ice and not snow at all and the heat here is relative to the surface of hell. - the construction is atrocious. Because of the crap roadwork, you constantly sit in traffic. The one lane roads back up for tens of miles for one 4 way stop. Don't even get me started on how badly the trains from BNSF railway home office in Ft Worth back local traffic up. - Texans say the only thing to do in Texas is shop and eat. Which is actually true. Pathetic because there are all kinds of lakes in the area... That are usually filthy disgusting reptile overrun redneck breeding grounds. And the swimming pools are about as filthy as chlorinated toilet water. - Texans always say, welcome to Texas, to anyone who isn't from Texas but notices anything awful about the state. For example, I've never had seasonal allergies in my life, but when I moved here I thought I was dying I got them so bad. Upon telling a local person, they replied, welcome to Texas. Which made me want to choke them. - Denton county, which is friggin huge, is still a Bible Belt style dry county. For those of you not born in the 1930s, this means there are zero liquor stores. All u get is grocery store beer and wine in Denton county. Wtf!!!!!! - true Texans love Texas! They'll fight about it. Thy fight to prove that all of the above is a good thing. Underneath it all, they all like Colorado or Florida more than Texas. - I traveled to Houston recently. And it's all even worse in Houston!!! - lastly, In terms of accommodations, there is absolutely nothing here you can't find in another state. Tldr... Who gives a crap about Texas. If I didn't live here, I'd vote to use the entire state as nuclear test grounds.
1:Texas rocks! they have amazing bbq and I've met people there that made the cast of honey boo boo seem refined. 2: I have proposed that we give Connecticut to Canada, if and only when we have lured all the hippie libs ,socialists, far lefty democrats and most Yankee fans to conn...then Canada's free and clear. Douchee problem solved. Conn sucks they ruined i95 it's no longer a expressway, there are 100 exits that connect to 95 in that state. One long parking lot. 3:instead of putting people in prisons and feeding them and clothing them we give them packs of seeds a shovel and a pocket knife drop them off in Cali ,and let them fend for themselves . It would take care of prison problem and solve any lingering hippie lib problems. That is all for now
I grant you, the weather in "Hellston" is miserable... Beside being off topic, your an idiot. Drive 10 min south of Denton county for some booze if you want it. And if your mamby pamby rear end can't handle a little 100° heat maybe you should pack up and move to Alaska. Back on topic, Texas economically is in the top 3 states in the union and allready has its own military and power grid. Texas would be just fine if it were to try and stand as a sovereign nation