Test Clan Recruitment Thread - Do Not Read!!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by ConS-_-UndesireD_FlamE-_-ConS, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. 
     COMSUMED 
     BY KAW 

    The clan Consumed is a new clan, although created before now, it is soon to be rebuilt. It was closed due to inactive members and a few players who misused admin. Believe me when I say that those mistakes will not be made again.


    I can go on about how we can grow to be strong and respectful, but it will sound same old, same old.
    But I WILL say that we will be special, and as for joining reasons, if you don't want to be a part of an average, normal clan, join us. If you do, go join any other clan. We need those special players that don't want to be in any average clan.

    If you want to know about us, here is some insight.

    We are the warriors totally consumed and addicted to and by KaW. It is part of our life, so strong it can even be considered a source.
    No other is more consumed by KaW than us. We are walking, living KaW beings, created for one purpose - dominate the Estocs and defeat all who stand in our way.

    We go to grand measures to protect our members, as we consider them a family. We are a family, who fight together and die together. We do not run, or abandon each other, we fight for our, and each others lives as if nothing else matters.

    How we came to be.

    But to become KaW consumed, you must be born again. We rose again from the ashes of our former bodies, new thoughts running through our minds.
    Is it... Is it true? Am I back? What is this... Urge... To destroy.....
    We looked to our feet to find the weapons we would carry, and use to end our enemies lives. As we bent to pick them up, we saw each other. And we knew, right then, we were family. And that we must survive against all costs, in this new post-apocalyptic wasteland called the Estoc.

     Consumed
              

    But as we soon found out, it is harsh, the new world. And so we soon fell into a sleep, a sleep induced by the forces around us, and so now we ask of you warriors out there, experienced, hardened, battle-ready soldiers to join us, to join our family's fight against the rest of the world, to join us in victory.

    We shall believe, and we shall live.

    Clan rules:
    . Farming - Farming is not discouraged, but any trouble you cause should be settled with a 1v1, which we will encourage. We are not an eb noob clan, they are used only for breaks between Estocs and to accumulate gold for our members.
    If the situation involves unfair attacks on our member, we will step in.

    . Admins - Do not ask for adminship. The owner appoints adminship to those he may think are worthy of the title, and those already appointed admin not only hold the task of watching epics, helping members with questions and complaints, but also of referring members they think are worthy, to the owner.

    . Advertising - Advertisements are not compulsory to stay a part of this clan, but are recommended so we can grow and become stronger. It also a nice way to show your respect and loyalty to the clan.

    . Wars - These are determined by the owner and the Admin Council - the most trusted admins - although any suggestions by members is greatly appreciated. Estocs are done frequently.

    . Loyalty - You should not run away and cry in a corner with your tail between your legs just because you lost a few hits in an osw or system war. If you are to be a part of our clan, you are to act on command and help us defend our kingdoms from harm. Whether we are defeated or victorious, you shall not leave the clan.

    . Active - Please be as active as possible, especially in wars. When an admin or the owner does an activity check, responding is crucial. Also, please report whether you'll be active in a war (estoc, example) to a member of the Admin Council or the owner, and put it on your banner. If you're inactive, please cast the spell Veil of Evasion, or leave if asked to so as to make room for more active players.

    . Respect - Everyone deserves the same respect. Please no trash talk on players walls, pm, or on forums. Browsing and talking in forums is fine, but please don't trash other players. Respect all members in our clan, as much any admin or owner. We are all people.

    . As for the requirements, please join at 2m cs or higher, alts are welcome if they can hit epic battles.

    . Perm - You must be a perm to be given adminship. You must also be a perm to be given full protection rights, and the position is awarded to those who can pass the test. Follow the owner and explain that you would like to become a perm. He will test you and he shall inform you of your passing or failing.


    Thank you for reading this thread, I hope you enjoyed it.


  2. Oh yeah. My test thread. Go alts baby, testing his Internet connection is all. Mods please