Terrain Travails tactic

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lllFiIIXllFreyjaEbbaIIXllFiIII, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. First time post so hope I don't get slated!
    I was wondering if any clans can tried the following....

    After your clan has scouted down to 50% take note of the time let everyone regen for 1 hour then after 1 hour is up and the 207k should be added to the blue bar with all member now full troops and spies hammer the eb, therefore effectively negating 207k worth of regen.
    Thoughts please. Sorry if someone else has written this anywhere else.
    Appreciate your comments
  2. Eh. That sounds like a decent idea in theory...
  3. In theory... Does it not work then?
  4. Clans did the same on ToC Phase 2. Regen till full and have several players crystal/use max pots/unload together to cut down the regens.
  5. TT is just a hard epic that requires everyone be active and constantly. But that is a good tactic, I'll run it through my home clan and we might try it.
  6. It's a really good tactic. Only problem is people regen at different times and don't always pay attention that well.

    But if the majority hit like that I could see it being a useful tactic.
  7. Also needs people to read cc 
  8. Two hit regen in phase one rush the scout then dump troops would be an interesting method also
  9. It works just to xtal and hit nonstop :lol: I've been doing it every time. Don't worry about a few regens, youre not gonna defeat it on first one.
  10. It's a fat guy... Sorry it was just too quiet...
  11. Best idea is to only xtal on the last part because of regen
  12. Great Job.-.
  13. This was the thread I was looking for! So, it's been a couple days.. any thoughts? This seems like the best strategy, but has anyone improved on it?
  14. Yes it's been done. It's actually good. If your full just hit couple times.
  15. Glad I could be of some use 
  16. Sounds logical
  17. This suggestion is the type of common sense that is likely to come to mind. However, it's not practical in most cases. People aren't likely to sit at full troops and wait for others to regen.
  18. if you clan damage per hour > regen rate this tactic is useless