TELL ME!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Warontheheart_boss, May 7, 2013.

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  1. Tell me what you have in your kingdom these will be posted every once in a while
  2. No, 1 thread was bad enough, now leave.
  3. tell me why you thought this would be a good thread.
  4. I have a magical unicorn.
  5. What a waste of...
  6. Why are you so assertive?
  7. I believe I have a lot of guilds and a level 3 colony.
  8. 24 level 4 guilds and a level 2 CoE. plus a level 2 castle. farm away ;)
  9. Same build as^, except that I have 2 level 3 CoE's.
  10. And 35 Level four guilds.
  11. so... completely different?
  12. Re: TELL ME!!!!!!

    Same root, though. ;)
  13. I just wasted 10 seconds of my life reading the opening post. Thank you, OP. Let's pray to the gods above that you're not DTW.
  14. Of course he is. :(
  15. I have what I have and I've got what I've got.
    Will I tell you? Absolutely not!

    You know what to do, what actions to take!
    If you want to see my build, asking's a mistake.
  16. Wordwaster defender too snobby

    I love you dude.
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