tell me your gay moment

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by swordbro, Aug 28, 2011.

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  1. We have all had a gay moment as I have said on my last book even I have had one or two.
    Maybe it was just a hug anything.
    So just feel free to talk about it and share.
    Or maybe
  2. Dude this is gonna get locked. No one is gonna tell you their gay moments!
  3. Dude i don't wanna do this but I have to.

    This is a gay thread
  4. Are you mentally sick?
  5. Holy FK bro I think ur just fkin gay and wana see if any1 else is gay so u not the only 1 just got hug and hold dicks with ur butt buddy's and GTFO man..... No hating toward gay people just telling this fkin idiot
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