Tell, Don't Ask, When it comes to Allies.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. First the good news : thanks to the efforts of certain clans, there are fewer "Don't Hire my Allies" banners these days.

    However the down side of that is the rise of "PM for Hires", where the player basically ignores you for four days before saying "No" to your request.

    In my book, this is no different that the "Don't hire my allies" crap. If you want to have a certain person as your ally, it's your responsibility to volley them up high enough so they won't attract interest.

    I suggest we stop asking people to hire allies. Instead, we can post something like this:

    "Hello. I feel that ally XXX is underpriced. If he is the same price in 24 hrs, I will hire him. Volley him higher if you want to keep."

    This I feel gives fair warning to the owner while making him work for his allies. This would also get rid of those silly "PM for Hires" banners.
    I say let's give it a try.

  2. Decent idea, it's a pain in the ass having 2T out and everyone saying no to selling
  3. Last I checked you can just press the hire button.
  4. Actually not a bad idea.
  5. This.
  6. Someone hires my allies I won't hit them for it I will just hire a ally when they are doing ee 10secs before sign up or whatever ally wars its great.
  7. Just hire.
  8. and then they hire off a ps in the war and the crap rolls down hill :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
  9. I don't really see the problem of the "Don't hire my allies" banners. If people want to write it, let them do so. And if people want to ignore that message, that's also okay.

    If a player chooses to farm someone for hiring their ally, that's also okay. People should be able to decide themselves how they want to play the game.

    But it is a good idea to let people know that their allies will be hired before hiring them. Nice thread, Frog! :)
  10. Yes your game play it how you want I agree.
  11. Yes chain reaction 
  12. Make sure they are asleep and in a PvP event guys if they ignore your no hire banner.
  13. Gives all the notice you need.
  14. I just hire. And ppl just hire from me.

    I've always said if you don't want your allies hired overprice them. I don't care if you're in osw or EE. Stop whining and learn how to play.
  15. I mean like, i agree with u frog, but like half of apoc has those banners. :|
  16. PM someone to ask to hire an ally, it's just telling them what ️allies are good deals, so most likely they'll say no and they'll up the price by volleying with a bank instead of you. Pretty much you offer a free service of ️allies activity tracking .

    Pm for ️allies = don't hire my ️allies but tell me which are good to keep 

    If you just wall "I'm gonna hire one of your ️allies once it's confirm you're online." You won't get a "yes", "no" or "ok", you'll get a "which one?" Just hire and reply: "that one" ??
  17. Lmao I like this, and for me I respect whatever you have on your banners or whatever. But if you hire from me and I see you have an ally in interested in, I'm gonna buy.

    I usually I'm nice, giving wall posts and such but sometimes you just gotta say I don't care that you don't have enough gold to buy back, screw you :)
  18. The worst is when someone hires from me and I hire back.

    Then they cry about their banner saying not to hire their allies.

    Like... Wut

  19. True.

    But Frog brings honor and respect to the game at all times. He is attempting to bring this style to your respective game. Kudos, my amphibian friend. Trying to not screw someone that is in OSW or about to start one of them there fancy indi wars is always a good policy. You don't want to make anyone mad in a war game.

    That is just bad policy.
  20. If you hire my allies i will ragequit.

    Reverse psychology ;)