Team Raptor vs Team Lynx

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iillIIll_Raptor_llIIllii, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Yes I know I'm adding spam.
    No need for color or pictures this is a barebones thread.

    Choose your team
    Team Raptor, the winning side.

    Team Lynx, the noob side that's still learning how to fight.
  2. Someone please ban them
  3. Ban them all
  4. Look out! A wild banimal!
  5. Team Lynx!!!
  6. Team ban the noobs
  7. You're terrible at all of this dumb **** completely obvious
  8. [​IMG]

    But with crap stats
  9. Team idgaf vs Team No one gaf.
  10. Oli i think im in both Idgaf and No one gaf teams :3
  11. And ban plz
  12. Team boobs vs team ass
  13. Team no one gaf for the win!