Team Antarctica Recruitment

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Renamed5518, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Obviously, you know how it works.

    Some requirements:
    -0CS and up only.
    -You must live anywhere but Antarctica. Sorry, TZ issues...

    I'll give three individuals the title "General". Generals can do whatever they want and will direct you during the wars in order to win. Please keep in mind that we are only accepting players who are mature and rely on teamwork to win, not individual merit. I have faith that we will do a good job this time around and not get out butts kicked unlike last year....

    Go team Antarctica!

    Sign up now.

    People who have signed up:
  2. Yea...

  3. I seem to remember OP playing a long time ago..
  4. Nuke inbound to Antarctica!

  5.  no

  6. Ugh forgot about spaces...
  7. One more nuke Narwhal... And I'll shove that horn up somewhere quite uncomfortable 
  8. Here we go again... Launching Tomahawk missile

  9. Narwhal check cc
  10. Wow nikki... I was gonna join but too late!! Im already asia!!! I gonna beat you 
  11. LOL

    You guys are awesome.
    Aww, this is betrayal LWP.
  12. Av! You're the leader of Team Asia!
  13. Team Asia has fallen to Antarctican power.

    Avatar, I give you the title General.
  14. Hmm, what do you plan to do with team Antarctica? As it surely is not participating in the continent wars as previously stated.
  15. I'll make Team Arctic Circle, then it'll be even :p
  16. I hereby claim the Continent Wars as mine, and my event only.

    Antarctica is now a participant.
  17. Led by a guy with one hour stats
  18. Said by a butt.