Teach me how to war

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IkiryoNighthawk, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Can you tell me how to war and what clans are best for wars with my CS?
  2. step 1 : join ll war clan or sign up for indi

    step 2 : listen to war commander

    thats it
  3. When it comes to warring, it is a must to know your build and how to use it.

    As for wars knowing your build and how to use it, both lowland and indi 99% of the time you basically follow the war commanders instructions. Don't ever rogue and go solo to be a hero, you'll be zero when you mess that up and pretty much have the clan on your rear by not listening to instructions.

    That 1% is for those that don't fit in to the strategy that at times wc will say do what you can.
  4. Towered hansel with bfa for the win.
  5. Read a EE guide before warring
  6. Easiest way to learn now a days is to join indis and be honest about being a rookie. if people know you are new they will give you a crash course before the war starts. between indis 3-5 you should start getting the hang of things
  7. Did I just see a noob thread, free from trolling ?
    Congrats kaw-forum-munity. Maybe some new players will stay and give the game some new growth!
    I think op's question was answered; know your build and how to use it, listen to War Commander, and try to save crystals for war. You will need them, or speak up if you don't, so the WC can be aware of the slight disadvantage.
  8. You needa have a finger and the ability to tap ._.
  9. I'm a troll and even I hate people who troll on these types of threads...
  10. After the war ask the questions that you need to ask. I'm super new to warring myself and have found some super helpful people during the Indis. You'll find who they are and just ask them most will be willing to explain. I'm still confused on certain acronyms that are used but I'll get them figured out eventually lol. Don't be soft skinned the war KAWmunity is tough and there are people that will do their very best to scare you off. I thinks it's because they have micros and need to maintain their manhood or something. Stick with the helpful and learn as much as you can. It's fun it's a tap tap game don't stress to much over it
  11. EE Warring in this game is like jumping into your first game of league with LoL leader board players. I dont play league so I dont know if thats the way skill is assessed in that game but the point im making is that new players are so out matched in some EE wars by highly experienced players... Atleast thats how it seems to be in my bracket, which also seems to be the bracket 'BFA warriors' tend to go for.

    There needs to be an "unranked" system for EE wars that is purely for fun and learning... Without the pressure of an angry war commander or teammate trying to level their EE and earn items.
  12. first you have to sell all allies
  13. I 100% agree with you.