TBO unlock

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ar_Tormentor_Ar, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. TBO Unlock at The Turture Chamber Come get your Equip and Gold
  2. What's a turture chamber?
  3. 17 members? Good luck
  4. Stop Spamming
  5. Op I doubt you can hit.
  6. :roll: good luck op!! The torture chamber is the clan name!
  7. I can hit.. peeps on kaw are jerks especially the stronger peeps because they think they are way better than any other person
  8. Really? This is what WC is for
  9. Wtf lol best clan ever :lol:
  10. Why did you even skip all the other eb's anyway??
  11. I can't wait for regen. Gonna pin OP if I can hit him.