Tbo on now at mercs asylum

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ar_Tormentor_Ar, May 13, 2013.

  1. Mercs asylum is doing tbo and would like big people to join :)
  2. Thats cool. But if youre just going to post a wc ad here, then why bother. Use wc for your short ads or make a nice thread for forums. There is a guide you can use in the Clans and Alliances section to make a good clan thread.
  3. Next time try to put a little more effort in :D Forums isn't really the place for this but I can make you guys a clan thread if you want :)

  4. this is a link to serpent's guide to making a clan thread
  5. I'm not joining, I don't want to goto an asylum

  6. There is only 8 people in the clan. They are going to need a lot of help
  7. I'm not joining, since I don't want to be the biggest player in your clan.
  8. Review the link above, it'll guide you on how to make a perfect Clan Thread. Otherwise ads belong on World Chat (WC).
  9. This sounds like fun.........

  10. Wc ad belongs in wc, nuff said.
    Where's Acetown when you need em :?
  11. He changed his name
  12. why the hell did you bump this garbage?
  13. What is this flash mob of ads in off topic, no go home.
  14. Lol to see reactions of course also he led my merc group
  15. I hate every fiber of your body Balto.
  16. Let it die.